Climate love
Image of No Fly Climate Sci

No Fly Climate Sci

Climate love

Climate love: Peter Kalmus &

Scientists travel around the world for international exchange. Aviation is often one of the largest emission posts for universities and institutions. Scientists tell everyone to reduce emissions rapidly to avoid a climate breakdown. Yet, the same scientists continue to fly around the world just like normally. Until now. With Peter Kalmus initiative, scientists are coming together and taking a stand for replacing excessive air travel with digital conferences and similar solutions. This is a great start, as flying climate scientists hold a strong symbolic value. According to common climate psychology, if leaders start to act and lead by example - people will follow. Agree to this campaign to send climate love to Peter Kalmus and the scientists that lead by example. Agree to this campaign to inspire more scientists to fly less and spread the word to raise awareness.

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  • Mårten Laurell Thorlsund

    233 w

    This climate love is well-deserved. As we all (?) know aviation/flights typically is the major contributor ot GHG emissions from universities. Not heating, not rad transports, not food etc, but aviation. Did you also know that we have Peter posting on the platform: ?

    • Alice Strand

      260 w

      Thank you for your campaign and congratulations on reaching the next level. A message has been sent to the recipient.

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