Climate love
Image of Wapnö


Climate love

Wapnö Farm, just outside Halmstad, has for more than 20 years developed the farm's own cycle in harmony with nature.

Wapnö Farm /Halmstad Sweden Wapnö has been working actively for a sustainable environment for many years and we are going that extra mile to look after our animals, our land and consumers. We believe that the present generation should take care in using natural resources reasonably and being environmentally responsible so that we leave the environment as untouched as possible for future generations. Our way to contribute involves animal welfare, sustainable farming and reducing our energy consumption. At Wapnö, we let the milk run in a pipeline 30 meters from the barn to the dairy; no transportation of the milk is required and that is not only good for the environment it also provides really fresh products. Wapnö farm biogas contributes to renewable energy in the form of electricity, heat and cooling, which we need year round in our small-scale food premises. We only use manure from our own animals for biogas production. We have cut our energy consumption with more than 90 %. The biogas also provides excellent digestate which improves the fertility and value of our farmland. We are a modern food company with its own unique life cycle. If you choose Wapnö, you are a climate conscious consumer that can be proud of your choice. Wapnö is an open farm. Consumers are welcome year round to get a closer look at the animals, barns and dairy. In our restaurant our top-class chefs cook delicious food using fresh ingredients picked directly from our farm. Welcome! Read more what is in Swedish (with Google translater). The farm's cycle image below is cropped, but you can find it in full format on the website.

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  • Andreas Kƍhler


    103 w

    How many cows do they have? Sadly I can't increase the size of the picture.

    • Sven Nilson


      103 w

      That is right. Go to their site and have the picture in full format.

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