Climate warning
Image of Repsol


Climate warning

Repsol needs to take its responsibility for this major oil spill in Peru #RepsolHazteCargo

Peru is demanding compensation from the Spanish oil giant Repsol after freak waves from the volcanic eruption near Tonga caused an oil spill described as "the worst ecological disaster" to hit Peru. Repsol declared first that 6 barrels of crude oil (🤡🤡🤡) had leaked but in reality, La Pampilla refinery has leaked over 6,000 barrels of oil after a tanker was hit by waves linked to Tonga's volcanic eruption. Authorities have sealed off three beaches damaged by the spill and say they have discovered scores of dead penguins, seagulls, seals and other animals covered in oil. "We condemn the environmental disaster caused by the La Pampilla refinery, in charge of @Repsol. The ecological damage to our coastline is inadmissible. From the State, penal, civil and administrative actions have been arranged in order to protect the sovereignty and well-being of the country" Pedro Castillo, President of Peru on Twitter. (translated). The impact on marine and wildlife is major, long term impact will also happen on the local fishing activity as well as tourism. The company's communications director, Tine Van Den Wall Bake has been denying responsibility for the leak.

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  • We Don't Have Time

    118 w

    Dear Sarah Chabane Thank you for getting your climate warning to level 2! We have reached out to Repsol and asked for a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

    • Johannes Luiga

      118 w

      Such a disaster

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