Climate warning
Image of Slurp


Climate warning

Slurp uses new plastic for packaging not only uses new plastic for packaging their products, but also they think it's the best option. And they state that on every package. However there are biodegradable options available for packaging. A plastic manufacturer is now quoting them, saying: plastic is the most environmental friendly packaging.

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  • Hussam Taha

    173 w

    How about a form of biodegradable packaging, something that can sustain for few months before it starts to disintegrates?

    • Olo Kolo

      173 w

      It exists already, I've seen some coffee roastries selling their coffee in biodegradable packaging.

    • Hussam Taha

      173 w

      The only way it works is if they take care of their own recycling by using a loop system that captures the package back from the consumer and recycle it them selves. They can only do that if they incentivize the consumer by creating a deposit system. You get your money 💸💰 back if you bring back the old packaging materials. I'm serious about that otherwise we'll continue trashing plastic into our waters and oceans.

      • Olo Kolo

        173 w

        Yes, it's unfortunate that they don't.

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