Climate love
Image of Fruitleather Rotterdam

Fruitleather Rotterdam

Climate love

Vegan leather from mangoes.

The Dutch company, FruitLeather Rotterdam is making vegan leather from mangoes. It's an eco friendly solution helping us creating an eco stuff for us. Check them here:

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Fruitleather Rotterdam

140 w

Thank you for sharing our story guys. We are doing our absolute best to prevent food waste from occurring. By using food waste as a resource we are able to create an alternative leather-like material. We appreciate everyone who has followed our journey and supported our progress.

  • Timothy Ndegwa

    97 w

    This is really great! It will see a reduction of cases of animal killing to obtain leather from their skin.

  • Fruitleather Rotterdam

    140 w

    Thank you for sharing our story guys. We are doing our absolute best to prevent food waste from occurring. By using food waste as a resource we are able to create an alternative leather-like material. We appreciate everyone who has followed our journey and supported our progress.

    • Samridhi Choudhary

      140 w

      We all thank you actually. Your work of creating a sustainable material is such a good thing for our environment. Keep going. Great Job guys!

    • We Don't Have Time

      140 w

      Dear Samridhi Choudhary Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Fruitleather Rotterdam and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Samridhi Choudhary

        140 w


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