Climate love
Image of Världsnaturfonden WWF

Världsnaturfonden WWF

Climate love

Biogas from manure? At the Kalset Mjölk farm, the farm's manure is optimized by investing in biogas.

At the Kalset Mjölk farm, the farm's manure is optimized by investing in biogas. This has resulted in a biogas plant that supplies the farm with electricity and heat and the manure has been refined.
Watch the film from Lantbruket's film festival about the farm Kalset Mjölk!
Dec 12, 2022
WWF's project Baltic Stewardship Initiative wants to contribute to increasing the exchange of knowledge and experience between farmers, and between farmers and experts. We therefore highlight good examples from farmers who implement solutions on their farms to reduce the leakage of plant nutrients into surrounding waterways, lakes and oceans and who optimize their use of plant nutrients.
Kalset Mjölk is run by the Samuelsson family together with their employees and the farm has an organic herd of just over 250 dairy cows. It is Nissan that is the catchment area for Kalset Mjölk and flows into the Kattegatt in Laholmsbukten. To optimize the farm's manure, Anna and Hans Samuelsson have invested in biogas. Through a closed loop, the farm's resources can be used to the max. The biogas plant now supplies the farm with electricity and heat, and the manure has been refined.

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  • Tony de la Concha

    50 w

    If the burn the biogas then end up emitting CO2 to the atmosphere, nothing you burn is good for the environment, unless there is carbon capture.

    • Sven Nilson

      50 w

      @tony_de_la_concha I can agree with you but there is a carbon dioxide reduction when the methane gas is burned and becomes carbon dioxide. The fertilizers then work better for the plants' nutrient absorption in the fields. Methane gas is the worst for the climate, so the situation will be better this way.

    • Evangeline Wanjiru

      50 w

      Such a brilliant project

      • Kevin

        50 w

        An amazing project

        • Daniel Waweru

          50 w

          This is inspiring

          • Andy Kadir-Buxton

            50 w

            We should biochar all organic waste.

            • Annett Michuki..

              50 w

              this is commendable

              • Komu Daniel

                50 w

                good project

                • Mc Kaka

                  50 w

                  Methane is part of carbon emissions, but relatively eco friendly due to its slow rate of emission

                  • Tony de la Concha

                    50 w

                    @mc_kaka methane is really bad, has the potency of 20 times CO2

                  • Sarah Chabane

                    50 w

                    Inspiring circular solution!

                    • Joseph Githinji

                      50 w

                      An amazing project.

                      • Waigwa Monica

                        50 w

                        Great project.

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