
Eight Principles for Effective and Inviting Climate Communication

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Most people just don’t hear enough about climate change. According to researchers at Yale, 66% of Americans only hear about climate change in the media once a month or even less.
But that doesn't mean people simply hearing about climate change will necessarily spark action.
“To effectively share what we know, we need ‘simple clear messages, repeated often, by a variety of trusted sources,’ writes Dr. Edward Maibach of the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University.
Climate change doesn’t just belong within the narrow band of climate journalism, nature documentaries, or environmental non-profits. Novels, music, movies, television, radio, advertising, community leaders, social media influencers can and should play an important role.
Rare, the Behavoural Insights Team, and Potential Energy have created a new resource outlining eight principles for effective and inviting climate communication. The principles, which were identified and curated from a wide body of scientific research, are easily digestible, yet specific enough to improve the effectiveness of what you’re aiming to convey.
“For brands, organizations, employers, and other leaders, communicating about climate change can feel risky,” said Brandon Schauer Senior Vice President of Rare’s Climate Culture program. “That’s why Rare is sharing these research-based 8 Principles—to make communications more effective and accessible to a wider audience.”
The eight principles outlined in the resource are:
  1. Make it personal
  2. Make it accessible
  3. Make it empowering
  4. Make it doable
  5. Make it collective
  6. Make it normal
  7. Make it trustworthy
  8. Make it for everyone
  • Sarah Chabane

    89 w

    These are great principles that should be applied by everyone working with communication and climate

    • Patrick Kiash

      90 w

      Love the principles and guidance

      • Christina Carlmark

        90 w

        Great principles!

        • Marine Stephan

          90 w

          Thank you for sharing, this is very important. At a time when action is needed, I truly believe that better and more effective climate communication can help.

          • Edwin wangombe

            90 w

            Thanks for sharing... Communication is vital in the fight against climate change

            • Rare

              91 w


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