Climate love
Image of Första AP-Fonden (AP1)

Första AP-Fonden (AP1)

Climate love

First AP Fund Has Divested from Fossil Fuel Companies

Sweden has a total of 7 state-managed pension funds (AP1-AP7). The First fund, AP1, with CEO Kristin Magnusson Bernand, is the only one that has completely distanced itself from investing in fossil fuel companies.
The First AP Fund has already in 2020 decided to divest from companies engaged in fossil fuel activities. This decision follows a period of analyzing how climate risks could impact the global environment and the Fund's investments. The Fund believes that the shift towards a less fossil fuel-dependent economy introduces significant uncertainty for companies in the coal, oil, and gas industries, posing higher financial risks. The move to divest from fossil fuels is part of reducing the Fund's climate risk exposure. The Fund also aims to achieve a carbon-neutral portfolio by 2050, setting measurable interim goals.
This is great leadership from Kristin and the AP1 management team and they deserve a lot of Climate Love 💚!
The other AP funds allow investments in oil, coal, and gas to varying degrees. The worst is AP7, which holds the largest share of fossil companies of them all. It is more than strange how the different AP Funds can make such different decisions. The right leadership means a lot
Info about AP 7 policy in Swedish:

Info about the other AP funds (in Swedish):

(Article from 2021, please share a newer one in the comment section if you find one)

Climate Warning about AP7 investment in Saudi Aramco Oil (from January 2024):

Image of post in post detailed view

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  • Johannes Luiga

    53 w

    Proud to hear what AP1 is doing!

    • Chandraamohan Sivala

      56 w

      🙏🏻 Great initiative

      • James Neil

        56 w


        • Rutt

          56 w

          Good to know!

          • Bo

            56 w


            • Kevin

              56 w

              This is a great inspiration to their conglomerates that it is possible to divest and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels

              • Tabitha Kimani

                56 w

                This is a remarkable decision.

                • Magnus Granér

                  56 w

                  First one!! 👏

                  • George Kariuki

                    56 w

                    AP1's leadership in divesting from fossil fuels offers a beacon of hope in the fight against climate change.

                    • Elizabeth Gathigia

                      56 w

                      Let's say no to fossil fuel

                      • DIPANJANA MAULIK

                        56 w

                        The ideal state of being is always just doing what we believe. AP1 is exactly doing it and the success of AP1,therefore, shall encourage others. It shall be great to have an analysis of decision making process of AP1 and AP7 vis-a-vis their current achievements. Staying away from fossil fuel is still a hard task for most of the companies. Getting out of comfort zone is neither easy nor is comfortable. Gratitude for sharing this encouraging and critical piece of information.

                        • Gorffly mokua

                          56 w

                          I hope this decision will inspire other investors to follow suit and shift their portfolios towards more sustainable investments .

                        • Markus Lutteman

                          56 w

                          Way to go! Kudos to Kristin Magnusson.

                          • We Don't Have Time

                            56 w

                            Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Första AP-Fonden by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time

                            • Patrick Kiash

                              56 w

                              The earth needs such great leadership emulated by Kristin.

                              • Mark Uche

                                56 w

                                We need a greener world! No to fossil fuel.

                                • Bruce Mann

                                  56 w

                                  This is the best way to shift the narrative. If AP1 succeeds then it has the potential to reinvigorate ways to help the planet and still make money for the investors or the common people. After all, that's it right! If it impacts on our hip pocket we tend to selfishly defend our current position. If we can help and not have to financially sacrifice too much, we have a chance!;

                                  • Nicklas Lindewald

                                    56 w

                                    Time for AP7 tio stop being greedy and stupid.

                                    • A S

                                      56 w

                                      good step for the future of clean energy

                                      • Uwe Gramann

                                        56 w

                                        With the climate breakdown accelerating at and exponential rate. It beggars belief that people will still invest in an industry that created the problem and still drives it. The perfect representation was shown by Al Gore when he held up the scales with gold on one side and our home Mother Earth on the other. Unfortunately it is now tipping towards the Gold. The paradox is that with no Earth there is no gold.Sad Times.

                                        • Bruce Mann

                                          56 w

                                          @uwe_gramann Agree 100%....unfortunately, money can be made in that industry without having to do too much so people put their fingers in their ears and pretend not to hear the earth crying out for help.

                                        • Rotich Kim

                                          56 w

                                          Great milestone indeed this is more encouraging news

                                          • Tabitha Kimani

                                            56 w

                                            A great step towards sustainability

                                            • The Healthy Life Co

                                              56 w

                                              Well done. Small positive steps. Cx

                                              • Princess

                                                56 w

                                                This is impressive..! Kudos to CEO Kristin Magnusson Bernand and the team for leading the way in prioritizing a greener future.

                                                • walter lungayi

                                                  56 w

                                                  This is a positive step towards sustainable investing and addressing climate change.


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