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Första AP-fonden avinvesterar bolag med fossil verksamhet - AP1
AP-fonderna äger kol-och oljebolag för 16 miljarder
De statliga AP-fonderna som förvaltar våra pensioner äger aktier i kol- och oljebolag för 16 miljarder. Detta trots att flera av fonderna enligt lag, skall ta hänsyn till klimat och hållbarhet. Men fondernas förvaltare menar att de kan påverkar klimatet mer som aktiva ägare än om man säljer.
Give Climate Warning ⚠️ to Sjunde AP-fonden: The Swedish state pension fund has invested 500 million SEK in Aramco oil | We Don't Have Time
Sweden's largest government pension fund, the Sjunde AP-fonden, AP7 thinks it's a good idea to invest half a billion SEK in Saudi Aramco Oil. This is one of the world's dirtiest oil companies, controlled by the Saudi state, the very country that strongly opposed the COP28 agreement to transition away from fossil fuels. The justification of the AP7 is astonishing. They groundlessly claim that Aramco Oil doesn't share the same agenda as the Saudi state, and they audaciously assert that they believe they can influence Aramco Oil through their minority stake in the company. I would love to know what kind of influence work the AP7 Fund is undertaking with Aramco Oil. Are they attending shareholder meetings and voting against new oil extraction, thereby diminishing the value of their own investment? Finally, is the AP7 Fund management completely incompetent? Every country in the world has agreed to transition away from fossil fuels. And yet, the AP7 thinks it's a smart move to invest long-term in Aramco Oil shares. Have they ever heard of stranded assets? Do they not realize the risk of placing long-term investments in oil? Oh, that's right. TheAP7 Fund is anything but long-term oriented. Investing in oil can never be sustainable. I am ashamed to be Swedish. I wonder how the CEO of the Seventh AP Fund lives with this decision, and what about all those working in sustainability or risk assessment within the Fund? Can they look themselves in the mirror? Please agree to my Climate Warning. I want more people behind my review. I am reaching out to the AP7 CEO Pål Bergström for an interview. I want to ask them questions about their thinking. AP7 manages the pension capital for half of Sweden's population, amounting to 5 million savers. Do they genuinely believe that their clients consider investing in one of the world's most notorious oil companies, which is under the control of a dictatorship, to be in their best interest? I am eager to hear their response to this question. See more in this segment on TV4 (in Swedish).: https://www.tv4play.se/klipp/ab318227f7ac6683ffe6/kritik-mot-sjunde-ap-fondens-oljeinvestering-kan-inte-bli-mer-ohallbart-an-sa-har
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And together we've planted over 150,000 trees. One tree is planted for every climate review written to an organization that is Open for Climate Dialogue™.
How does this work?
53 w
Proud to hear what AP1 is doing!
56 w
🙏🏻 Great initiative
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Good to know!
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This is a great inspiration to their conglomerates that it is possible to divest and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels
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This is a remarkable decision.
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First one!! 👏
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AP1's leadership in divesting from fossil fuels offers a beacon of hope in the fight against climate change.
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Let's say no to fossil fuel
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The ideal state of being is always just doing what we believe. AP1 is exactly doing it and the success of AP1,therefore, shall encourage others. It shall be great to have an analysis of decision making process of AP1 and AP7 vis-a-vis their current achievements. Staying away from fossil fuel is still a hard task for most of the companies. Getting out of comfort zone is neither easy nor is comfortable. Gratitude for sharing this encouraging and critical piece of information.
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I hope this decision will inspire other investors to follow suit and shift their portfolios towards more sustainable investments .
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@gorffly_mokua By all means it will
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Way to go! Kudos to Kristin Magnusson.
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Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Första AP-Fonden by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time
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The earth needs such great leadership emulated by Kristin.
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We need a greener world! No to fossil fuel.
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This is the best way to shift the narrative. If AP1 succeeds then it has the potential to reinvigorate ways to help the planet and still make money for the investors or the common people. After all, that's it right! If it impacts on our hip pocket we tend to selfishly defend our current position. If we can help and not have to financially sacrifice too much, we have a chance!;
56 w
Time for AP7 tio stop being greedy and stupid.
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good step for the future of clean energy
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With the climate breakdown accelerating at and exponential rate. It beggars belief that people will still invest in an industry that created the problem and still drives it. The perfect representation was shown by Al Gore when he held up the scales with gold on one side and our home Mother Earth on the other. Unfortunately it is now tipping towards the Gold. The paradox is that with no Earth there is no gold.Sad Times.
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@uwe_gramann Agree 100%....unfortunately, money can be made in that industry without having to do too much so people put their fingers in their ears and pretend not to hear the earth crying out for help.
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Great milestone indeed this is more encouraging news
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A great step towards sustainability
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Well done. Small positive steps. Cx
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This is impressive..! Kudos to CEO Kristin Magnusson Bernand and the team for leading the way in prioritizing a greener future.
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This is a positive step towards sustainable investing and addressing climate change.