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Image of Resilient Grid Sweden AB

Resilient Grid Sweden AB

Climate love

Sinus Energy – creating resilient grids

Resilient Grid Sweden’s pitch: Changes related to our emissions are often associated with sacrifice and hardship. Our algorithm Sinus Energy allows for a huge impact on how energy is used more efficiently, and emissions can be drastically reduced without sacrificing living standards, by using storage units and energy trade. Today there is great imbalance between demand and availability of power over the day. This causes enormous strain on the grid leading to very high energy prices when demand is high. For the grid to cope there are two main routes which can be pursued; 1. Fortify and expand the power grid. 2. Balance the grid using energy trade. We prefer the second option: It's cheaper, faster and saves tons of CO₂.

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  • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

    68 w

    Looks amazing

    • Greg Arena

      86 w

      Absolutely agree that option 2 is the smarter option. We operate solar panels on our roof and 2/3 of the electricity produced goes into the grid. Somewhere, the sun is shining and the wind is blowing and the waves are moving (etc. - you get the picture) all the time. Connecting our resources, including storage capacity (e.g. electric) cars, will allow us to maximize the use of available energy. I live in Germany and wish that the government would get moving on mandating all aspects of the energy grid that require an upgrade, in order to make option 2 work for us.

      • Aisha Mamah

        86 w

        You have my vote

        • Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson

          87 w

          You have my vote!

        • Patrick Kiash

          87 w

          Expound more on energy trade...

          • Resilient Grid Sweden AB

            87 w

            @patrick_kiash Dear Patrick, thanks for the inquiry! Well, basically energy, like any commodity, is traded from the principal of supply and demand which is also what drives fluctuations in price. High demand = high price and vice versa. Renewable energy is non-linear produced, or sometimes referred to as "non-plannable". Considering our ambition to fully transfer to re-newable energy, there will be big fluctuations in price, as well as enormous strain on the power grid due to the fact that large energy consumers such as base and process industries will continue to have a high demand for power - regardless of the current available power. Our algorithm analyses pricing from energy trading platforms to establish whether to buy, hold or sell energy to and from the grid. This will make better use of generated energy, improve economy for energy consumers as well as balance the power grid. Any further inquiries we remain at your disposal! All the best / Resilient Grid Sweden

            • Patrick Kiash

              86 w

              @Resilient_Grid_Sweden thankyou! You have my vote now! Keep it up and good luck

            • Ford Brodeur

              87 w

              Smart grids are smart for the environment! You have my vote

              • Adam Wallin

                87 w

                Energy storage is an interesting solution, but I would like to know more about energy trade.

                • Resilient Grid Sweden AB

                  87 w

                  @Adam_Wallin Dear Adam, thanks for the inquiry! Well, basically energy, like any commodity, is traded from the principal of supply and demand which is also what drives fluctuations in price. High demand = high price and vice versa. Renewable energy is non-linear produced, or sometimes referred to as "non-plannable". Considering our ambition to fully transfer to re-newable energy, there will be big fluctuations in price, as well as enormous strain on the power grid due to the fact that large energy consumers such as base and process industries will continue to have a high demand for power - regardless of the current available power. Our algorithm analyses pricing from energy trading platforms to establish whether to buy, hold or sell energy to and from the grid. This will make better use of generated energy, improve economy for energy consumers as well as balance the power grid. Any further inquiries we remain at your disposal! All the best / Resilient Grid Sweden

                  • Adam Wallin

                    87 w

                    @Resilient_Grid_Sweden Thanks for the response! So basically you store the energy until it is more profitable to sell, so that we don't push too much energy into the grid at once? That makes sense to me!

                    • Resilient Grid Sweden AB

                      87 w

                      @Adam_Wallin In essence - yes! :) The algorithm selects the tipping points for the transactions.

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