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Soon to happen - the Finnish colorful brand with clothing and interior decorations will open its own second hand and vintage marketplace online starting August 25. In the first phase, the pre-loved platform will only be for people in Finland but I hope it will go international soon! Marimekko’s cloths are timeless and made to last. So next time I need something new I will buy something old and pre-loved, hopefully from Marimekko. Text and photo: https://wwd.com/sustainability/business/marimekko-secondhand-vintage-preloved-resale-platform-launch-1235266451/#utm_medium=social&utm_source=email&utm_campaign=social_bar&utm_term=wwd.1659989024146.fe7e4a47-7666-4290-9ee8-fd726efe77cd&utm_content=bottom&utm_id=1235266451 - Marimekko to Launch Secondhand and Vintage Marketplace
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Thank you for highlighting Marimekko Pre-loved. The resale service implements one of the guiding principles on Marimekko’s sustainability strategy: Timeless design brings joy for generations to come. The service is planned to be extended also to other markets in the near future – join the Marimekko Community on Marimekko.com to follow our news.
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Excellent move