
Let's buy away CO2 rights from coal power plants!

Hello guys!
We are ForTomorrow. A non-profit climate protection start-up from Berlin. Our goal is to make Europe climate neutral before 2040. To achieve this, we want to reduce the individual annual CO2 footprint of all Europeans to less than one tonne. That is why we offer CO2 offsets for people. We offset CO2 by buying and cancelling EU emission rights. In this way, we force the big CO2 emitters to emit less CO2 in Europe—for example, coal power plants. We also plant sustainable mixed forests in Germany to filter CO2 from the air. You can find out more about us on our website: 
It is an honour for us to be part of this fantastic network. We are very much looking forward to talking to you and driving climate protection with you!
Best, ForTomorrow
Our ForTomorrow Team
Our ForTomorrow Team

  • Evangeline Wanjiru

    69 w

    Quite fascinating actually! Planting sustainable mixed forests is a good idea as well

    • Muhammad Fahd Khan

      78 w

      Buying and cancelling is a good idea! It is great to have you guys here!

    • Sarah Chabane

      83 w

      Very cool! How does it work technically? Mostly the part about taking away the rights of big polluters?

      • ForTomorrow

        83 w

        @sarah_chabane Thanks for your great question. In the EU, there is the EU Emissions Trading System. A cap-and-trade system. It is an open market with prices regulated by supply and demand. This system caps emissions from the energy, industrial and aviation sectors and will soon cap emissions from other sectors. To emit one tonne of CO2, a large polluter has to buy one emission allowance. Since coal power plants are among the biggest polluters in the EU, I will use them as an example of a big polluter. Emission allowances are auctioned weekly on behalf of governments. Coal-fired power plants, for example, must also buy these CO2 rights. Otherwise they are not allowed to emit CO2. If they don't have these rights, they have to pay penalties and then hand over the rights anyway. We simply buy these emission rights away and cancel them. That reduces the amount of available CO2 rights. The remaining ones become more expensive. At some point it will simply no longer be worthwhile for coal power plants to emit CO2. In this way, we reduce the amount of CO2 that can be emitted in the EU. At the same time, we accelerate the energy transition. Take a look at our website. There you will find more information: Best regards, Chris

      • Ingmar Rentzhog

        84 w

        That's a great method! Welcome here! What is the cost of canceling 1 ton?

        • ForTomorrow

          84 w

          @Rentzhog Thank you! Currently, the price is €118 for CO2 offsetting through emission rights only, €72 for offsetting by cancelling emission rights and planting trees (which we recommend) and €25 if you want to offset CO2 by planting mixed forests in Germany. Find more info here:

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