The Traffic Light Report 2023 compiles Söderberg & Partners’ analyses from the past year and highlights the financial actors that have excelled from both financial and sustainability perspectives. The report announces the most sustainable actors of the year in the fields of investments and non-life insurance; Storebrand and Svedea, respectively.
Storebrand and Svedea were given the titles of Most Sustainable Actor within investments and non-life insurance, respectively.
The options available in the savings market continue to increase, despite global insecurities and tensions. This makes it complex to make qualified investment decisions based on financial performance and sustainability considerations. In this convoluted world of funds and insurances, people need someone to guide them and showcase which financial products best meet their expectations.
Throughout 2023, Söderberg & Partners have released multiple reports analyzing the sustainability performance of Swedish financial actors, covering 3689 funds, 25 pension companies, 13 unit-linked insurance companies, and 43 non-life insurance companies. Each sustainability analysis uses a relative three-grade scoring system where the companies that are ahead get a green light, while those who are falling behind get a yellow or red light. In the Traffic Light Report, the companies’ ratings and achievements over the past year are compared to identify the best company within each category.
Two companies received the title of “Most Sustainable Actor”, highlighting their contributions to the development of a more sustainable finance sector in Sweden:
Storebrand: Most Sustainable Actor in Sustainable Investments 2023
For their commendable action within sustainable investments, Storebrand received the title of Most Sustainable Actor in Sustainable Investments 2023 in the report. As a company that has contributed to the development of sustainable investments for a long time, Storebrand has advocated for more focus on multiple issues that are imperative for sustainable development, including climate, biodiversity, and equitable societies. As proof of their high ambitions, Storebrand has a net zero target both on the group level and in their investment portfolios, and their Swedish subsidiary SPP is the only pension company that has had a green rating in every yearly analysis since its inception 10 years ago. Svedea: Most Sustainable Actor in Non-life Insurance 2023
Netting the title of Most Sustainable Actor in Non-life Insurance 2023, Svedea has worked proactively with sustainability for multiple years, and shown continuous improvement. With a focus on circularity in claims management as well as damage prevention, they are driven by an ambitious climate target and initiatives that engage their employees. Their ambitions also show in their premium investments, which are controlled by clear guidelines in multiple asset classes. Putting the spotlight on these two companies can not only help individuals make better-informed decisions on where to put their money, but also share knowledge and best practices between finance companies and encourage better sustainability performance across the whole sector. As the 2024 Traffic Light Report comes out, many companies have the potential to go from a red to a yellow or green rating, which is a win for both the company and the planet.
Read the full Traffic Light Report (in Swedish) on our website:
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well deserved, congratulations
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congrats!! They deserve it.
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Congratulations to them! 👏
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This is brilliant! Sweden recognizing sustainable financial actors is a big win.
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This is great action. Let's #MoveTheMoney
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Congratulations are in-order.
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Kudos to Storebrand and Svedea.
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Congrats!! They deserve recognition.
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Congratulations to the winners keep on shining
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Congratulations to the winners🏆🎉🏆
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Congratulations to Storebrand and Svedea!
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This is a great way to encourage other financial actors to follow! Let's keep the spotlight shining on green actors!
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Congratulations to the worthy recipients!
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@Adam_Wallin 💚💚