Talha Iqbal's post

What are the dos and don'ts for wall to wall carpets maintenance?
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wall to wall carpet are an excellent alternative to area rug. If you need to remove one, simply clean it and return it later. They're also less of a commitment than wall-to-wall carpeting, so if you get tired of the design, you can quickly replace it with something different.
wall to wall carpet:
What Is It? Simply put, an accent wall to wall carpet does not go all the way to the area. Most people use it to anchor specific pieces of furniture. Domestic use requires adherence to several standards.
Dos and Don'ts:
Cover areas with high traffic. Don't let your carpets dangle over the edges; instead, utilize a rug at the end of the space. If you don't fully secure your rugs to your flooring, they could potentially cause people to stumble as they pass by.
DO: Extend rugs under furniture.
When selecting an wall to wall carpet in Dubai, ensure that it covers the whole floor beneath all of the major pieces of furniture. For the dining room, the rug should be large enough to fit all of the chairs and the table. A good rule of thumb is to put the chairs on top of the rug rather than leaving them out in the open. For the living room, no upholstered furniture should sit on top of the rug. If you can't set the upholstered piece's base on the floor, place it on the rug's border. However, all other legs must rest on the bare floor. Don't go too far in your room. Most area rugs do not extend past the bed's boundaries, making it difficult to get up in the morning and walk onto a soft surface instead of a cold, hard floor. Before you go shopping, measure the area surrounding your bed to ensure that you choose the largest size that would fit in your bedroom. When buying a twin or double bed, look for carpets that extend at least 30 centimeters beyond the bed on each side, and at least 45 centimeters on each side if you're buying a queen or king-sized bed.
Don't underestimate sizes; buy one that is too small
When designing area rugs, the most common mistake people make is purchasing ones that are too small. This is logical, especially considering the exorbitant price tags on some of the larger rugs. Still, greater is better; purchasing a larger rug now will save you the cost of replacing an inadequate one later. Furthermore, a rug is less expensive than a full room of carpeting.
Area rugs are ideal for a variety of reasons. Many people regard them as a viable alternative to wall-to-wall carpets. Some dos and don'ts include not going too small in the bedroom, not purchasing one that is too little in general, and covering high-traffic areas.
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