
Elevating Farmers and Decarbonizing Dairy through our FarmRaise Partnership

Our commitment to decarbonizing farms and helping farmers apply climate-friendly agricultural practices hasn’t wavered over the years. In fact, it’s gotten stronger.
We are providing $1 million dollars to FarmRaise to be distributed within their network of more than 15,000 farmers.
This partnership with FarmRaise will see the one million dollars being funneled into assisting farmers in transitioning into greener agricultural practices. And these funds will tackle the largest sources of on-dairy farm greenhouse gas emissions: enteric methane and greenhouse gas emissions associated with manure management.
We know that every farm does not have the same level of emissions, but we want every farm to be on the same upward journey toward a climate-friendly future.
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Neutral’s Partnership with FarmRaise
With 72% of greenhouse gas emissions from dairy production occurring on farms, it’s essential that the work we do to implement climate-smart agricultural practices begin with working with farmers and tailoring climate-friendly agricultural practices around each farm.
Thanks to this partnership, farmers are now able to utilize FarmRaise’s digitally-built network, connect with available sources of state and federal funding AND, for the first time, leverage funds from Neutral.
This partnership with FarmRaise is a game-changer when it comes to tailoring climate solutions to farmers and farms. A major advantage of FarmRaise's platform is that it enables us to connect with a large number of dedicated climate-minded producers and farmers who need help in transitioning to greener agricultural techniques.

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Farms and agricultural practices are integral in solving the climate crisis. And the major advantage of this partnership is that we are able to reach and work with more farmers to help steer climate solutions on more farms.
We are pressing ahead with our mission to radically reduce the emissions of every glass of milk and empower farmers along the way with more environmentally-friendly agricultural practices. Our partnership with FarmRaise will help us support conservation-driven dairy farmers and connect them with funding to make our world a less carbon-intensive place.
Do you have questions about our partnership with FarmRaise? You can write to us in the comments below, and we’d be happy to answer any questions that you have.
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  • Evangeline Wanjiru

    58 w

    Wonderful impactful partnership

    • Adam Wallin

      74 w

      Love to hear about organizations that connect funding with the actors that need it to create climate progress! FarmRaise deserves climate love for their work 😊

      • Ford Brodeur

        74 w

        What a great partnership! I didn't know that 72% of greenhouse gas emissions from dairy production came from farms. It's important to work with farmers and tailor climate solutions to each specific farm to curb emissions!

        Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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