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Indigenous peoples, local communities and young people are far more susceptible to the economic, industrial, capitalist, patriarchal, and military forces propelling anthropogenic climate change. However, these communities are the least responsible for causing climate change. In fact, these groups are leading the fight to safeguard our future and achieve climate equity.
Approximately, 2.5 billion people rely on collective lands for food, fuel, and income, and indigenous communities are safeguarding an estimated 80% of the world’s biodiversity. This makes them essential to the protection and preservation of the world’s natural environments and our shared way of life.
We must move beyond token participation and prioritise rigorous inclusion of these groups in the entire climate policy making and implementation process.
To learn more about the role of indigenous communities, in particular, in reducing global emissions through the protection of local ecosystems, read the article and follow us on Instagram for more!

  • Jane Wangui

    1 w

    Good news..we ought to involve them in making policies and coming up with ideas to solve the issue of Climate change.

    • George Kariuki

      1 w

      Absolutely! It's time to amplify their voices and give them a seat at the table. ✊

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