Climate love
Image of Nestlé


Climate love

Nestlé promotes healthy eating in Kenya through kids’ program, in the last 10 years.

In Kenya, 10years ago, Nestle launched a great initiative in collaboration with ministry of education and ministry of Agriculture with aim of feeding school children for a healthier life to kids. It has been motivated by four core objectives which encourages kids to eat more fruits and vegetables, eat well-managed portions, drink more water, and exercise regularly / move more. Now the programme has expanded to over 890 schools, covering 7 counties in Nairobi, Kiambu, Muranga, Embu, Meru, Kirinyaga and Kakamega, reaching over 700,000 pupils and 1500 teachers in participating regions. “The goal of Nestlé for Healthier Kids in Kenya through its campaigns and initiatives, is to support parents and caregivers to raise healthier kids and to inspire the children themselves to get involved in preparation of meals and learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle. “We make things fun by using storytelling techniques and involve their teachers as direct partners with us to educate them on the importance of having a balanced diet,” said Mr. Ng’entu Njeru, Cluster Head, East and Horn of Africa, Nestlé ESAR. Other core activities that take place within the Nestlé for Healthier Kids Programme is the construction of the vegetable gardens. The children are taught how to create and build a kitchen garden in school by the Nestlé for Healthier Kids instructors and are also given tips on how to maintain it as well. The vegetable gardens are a core part of showing the kids a sustainable approach from farm to table which they can replicate at home with their parents. The vegetable gardens are a great way for kids to learn how to grow their own food like tomatoes, spinach, and kale. They make sure they educate kids on the nutritional benefits of each food group and why it is important for them to eat a balanced diet, WE DONT HAVE TIME-KENYA CHAPTER, recently visited one of their project in slum areas in Kenya and we were very pleased by their project, keep it up @Nestle, here is the attached link of our experience.

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  • Mats Nilsson



    55 w

    Finally, and one good act, but I believe this is just GREENWASHING. Nestlé has historically been one of the worst multis in the food industry, involved in many big scandals (like breaking WHO rules for ads on breast milk substitute). So, sorry, you won’t get my vote here.

    • anthony gaitho


      67 w

      đź‘Ť good work

      • Elizabeth Gathigia


        68 w

        Congrats to nestle, indeed you are doing an amazing thanks for inspiring these kids

        • Hilda Wangui


          70 w

          well done @nestle

          • Ivy Njeri


            78 w


            • Leendert Aboazy


              78 w

              Good work 👍 Nestlé

              • Adam Wallin



                78 w

                Making people feel closer to the source of their food is a great way to make them think more about sustainability when they buy food.

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