Climate love
Image of Högskolan i Gävle

Högskolan i Gävle

Climate love

Reward the University of Gävle with your Climate Love, which researches children's ties to nature

Many children lack experience from nature. Children who do not have emotional ties to nature do not usually care about protecting it in the future. This is shown by research from the University of Gävle (Sweden). "Too many children lack experience of nature and then it becomes frightening," says environmental researcher Matteo Giusti. Read the article (in Swedish) at More on this issue at

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Matteo Giusti


153 w

Learning to love nature is like learning to love your mother. It takes time and it's better if you start when you are young. Go outside often with your children. Nature experiences shared with someone important to the child count double. Develop traditions and celebrations linked to natural dynamics, like the change of seasons. Teach them to be comfortable in nature and then teach them to interact and play with nature. Children will then learn to love nature enough to protect it. They will more willing to believe that they are nature, and not separate from it. This is the cultural foundation for a sustainable future.

  • Matteo Giusti


    153 w

    Learning to love nature is like learning to love your mother. It takes time and it's better if you start when you are young. Go outside often with your children. Nature experiences shared with someone important to the child count double. Develop traditions and celebrations linked to natural dynamics, like the change of seasons. Teach them to be comfortable in nature and then teach them to interact and play with nature. Children will then learn to love nature enough to protect it. They will more willing to believe that they are nature, and not separate from it. This is the cultural foundation for a sustainable future.

    • Sven Nilson


      153 w


    • We Don't Have Time




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      Dear Sven Nilson Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Högskolan i Gävle and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Zero Panik


        154 w

        We compost at home and often talk about the different types of bugs, snails and snakes that take up home in our yard and why.

        • Muhammad Fahd Khan


          154 w

          It is important to tech children right from the beginning about nature, biodiversity and role of the tiny things in our eco system.

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