Climate love
Image of Elonroad


Climate love

The Future of Charging

Elonroad’s pitch: Elonroad is a deep tech e-mobility startup that develops cable-free conductive charging systems. Our technology consists of rails in the road supplying electricity (and data) and a pick-up device which sits underneath the vehicle, automatically connecting with the rail for data and electricity transmission. The backend software system transmits data in real-time, including road sensors and state of charge enabling smart charging. The customer gets information through the Elonroad Connect App. We enable rapid acceleration to sustainable electric transport by unlocking 80% smaller, grid load balancing, lower commercial vehicle downtime, swarm-intelligent charging of vehicles, and unlimited range.

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  • D_M_D_M


    84 w

    This is no solution. This is a distraction. We need radical investment in our public transport, not more "solutions" in service of maniacal billionaires. Elonroad? You're proposing digging up every road in the world. That's as stupid a plan as Hyperloop.

    • Alan Solomon


      86 w

      Great idea but I think it is too late. My opinion is It may be useful and beneficial in small towns with residents that stay within city limits. In the U.S. Electric vehicles (EV) and charging devices are the talk of the country now. New legislation and existing laws are geared toward EVs. EVs and existing roads are not equipped with pick-up devices, electrified rails or anything else required for that idea. Besides that, I think when cars are NOT traveling on those roads with electrified rails underneath it becomes a waste of energy.

      • Karin Ebbinghaus


        86 w

        @alan_solomon we will need a patchwork of solutions to be able to electrify the transport sector as fast as we need. Its good that our solution is possible to retrofit to both existing EVs and existing roads needing the same (or a bit less) energy as for traditional charging. Due to the smartness of the system, energy will only be distributed when there is an authorised vehicle activly demanding charging. Then the system can charge depending on the energy available at that given time.

      • Patrick Kiash




        87 w

        Great pitch

        • Sanjay Singh


          87 w

          Yes...this unique charging system shall enable the driver an effortless and time saving charging possibility. Can't wait to see this revolution happening at the earliest...

          • Peter Kamau


            87 w

            Having cable-free charging systems is quite unique and very interesting to learn of.

            • Adam Wallin



              87 w

              Electric roads is a fascinating solution that I look forward to seeing the development of.

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