
Fly Green Coalition Launches Initiative to Accelerate Sustainable Aviation Fuel Adoption

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[COPENHAGEN, November 15, 2023] The Fly Green Coalition, a powerful alliance of environmental visionaries and industry leaders, is thrilled to announce its launch, uniting forces to revolutionize the aviation sector's approach to sustainability.

Mission and Purpose

The Fly Green Coalition addresses the urgent global challenge of aviation emissions by propelling the adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Through a unified front, the coalition aims to demonstrate substantial demand to SAF producers and investors, thereby accelerating production, lowering costs, and mainstreaming SAF to reduce the aviation industry's carbon footprint.

Founding Partners and Visionaries

Behind the Fly Green Coalition are influential figures committed to driving change. Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time, Christian Moller Holst, CEO of Goodwings, among many other business leaders, stand at the forefront of this dynamic coalition.
Ingmar Rentzhog emphasizes the essential role of the private sector in the fight against climate change, stating, "When I founded We Don’t Have Time in 2017, there was no possibility to fly without using fossil fuel. Therefore, I stayed on the ground until I managed to use fossil-free fuel when I flew to Egypt for COP27 in 2022. What surprised me is that so few people are aware that the opportunity to fly in a more sustainable way exists, and that's why we have taken the initiative to start this movement" Christian Moller Holst, CEO of Goodwings, shares his insights: "I've joined Fly Green Coalition because aviation must change now if we truly want to address the climate crisis seriously."

Accelerating Transformation: A Lesson from Solar Energy

Drawing inspiration from the transformative journey of solar energy, the Fly Green Coalition aims to expedite change. Like solar power, which faced criticism for its initial high costs, SAF's transformation is already underway. The Coalition is committed to quantifying demand to accelerate this process and address the immediate need for sustainable aviation practices.

The Pledge for Change

The Fly Green Coalition invites businesses to pledge their commitment, sharing details with Founding Partners Ingmar Rentzhog and Christian Moller Holst. This collaboration seeks to generate leads for participating businesses while fostering collective change in the aviation industry.

Private Sector's Essential Role

The Fly Green Coalition underscores the indispensable role of the private sector in fighting climate change. By aligning environmental advocates and industry leaders, the coalition exemplifies how collaborative efforts can drive significant change and influence sustainable practices within the aviation sector.

The Fly Green Coalition invites businesses, industry stakeholders, and environmental advocates to join hands, ushering in a sustainable future for aviation. The launching event of the coalition will take place on Friday December 1st of December at COP28. The panel can be accessed online

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  • Johannes Luiga

    23 w

    Truly a very important initiative! Many thanks Christian Moller-Holst and Ingmar Rentzhog

    • George Kariuki

      23 w

      I believe that the Fly Green Coalition has the potential to make a real difference in the fight against climate change.

      • Munene Mugambi

        23 w

        Honestly this would go a long way to reducing those emission numbers from aviation industry so so much

        • Rotich Kim

          23 w

          This is great

          • Gorffly mokua

            23 w

            Great! This represents a vital step toward a more environmentally friendly aviation industry.

            • zelda ninga

              23 w

              It's a good coalition ilove what they are doing this will change the aviation industry in a great way.

              • Andy Kadir-Buxton

                23 w

                Make frequent flyers pay.

                Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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