Climate warning
Image of Jair Bolsonaro

Jair Bolsonaro

Climate warning

Brazil had not seen so many fires in the Amazon for fifteen years

A sad record: in the Brazilian Amazon, the number of fires has reached this week its highest level in fifteen years. 3,358 fires on Monday 22 August, the highest number in one day since September 2007. Since August 1, 24,124 fires have been registered, which is expected to be the worst August since the beginning of Jair Bolsonaro's presidency. Jair Bolsonaro is criticized for his support for the destruction of the Amazon for the benefit of agriculture. Since he came to power in January 2019, the average annual deforestation in the Amazon has increased by 75% compared to the previous decade. We Don’t Have Time for politicians to not care about our future. We Don’t Have Time for more deforestation. Source (FR):

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  • Below2°C - Rolly Montpellier

    88 w

    A man with no moral compass.

    • Sarah Chabane

      89 w

      Let's get him out of the office in the autumn!

      • Nannie Fredrikson

        89 w

        The proof of such very low knowledge about, and understanding for, what this immense forest destruction means makes me very upset and extremely sad! How can we elect or promote such leaders?!

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