Climate idea
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Climate idea

In the USA: Enforcement against tax fraud will pay for climate action

The US Congress is in the process of an on going debate and political maneuvers regrading the proposed US$ 3.5 trillion spending bill that includes climate change actions. Many of these climate actions are private sector incentives that encourage the use of climate friendly technology, plus other more direct investments for the transition needed to support the private sector. A bulk of the bill does include spending on health care, work, child, and other social programs, many of which have proven to work in Northern Europe and boost productivity. The kicker of this is that the extra spending is only 1.2% of GDP over the 10 year life time of the bill, AND this could easily be paid for just by clamping down on tax evasion!! That is right, taxes that should have been paid to the US government, but evaded by high-income earners (and companies). To learn a bit more about this read this great article on CNN: To learn a bit about the US$ 3.5T bill: Image:

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  • Lenzki

    131 w

    I hope there will be enough for single mothers. Especially those who have 2 or more jobs. They need relax and appreciation.

    • Johannes Luiga

      138 w

      Very important

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