
Rapsodine – leading the circular way for the skincare industry

”In the municipality of Mariestad in Sweden, we are proud to see so much climate action going on in many of our local companies. I would therefore like to take the opportunity to share some of these encouraging developments with you. Hopefully, this can inspire others to follow in their footsteps”, says Susanné Wallner, business manager with a special focus on sustainability, in Mariestad municipality.
In this first article, we’ll introduce you to Rapsodine, a local skincare company that has come a long way in terms of sustainability.
Rapsodine produces and manufactures skin care and cleaning products based on organic, cold-pressed Swedish rapeseed oil. The ingredients are vegetable and mostly organic, and many of the products are perfume-free and thereby free of allergens.
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Body lotion, shower cream, shower oil, liquid soap, shampoo and conditioner can be refilled in Rapsodine’s own factory shop in Mariestad.
Lately Rapsodine has been focusing on reducing the climate footprint of packaging, in many different ways.
”Just as with the content, we want the packages to be locally produced. We have replaced all the plastic in our bottles with bioplastic, and we never use extra packaging for our products. Also, many of our products can be used by all family members, which is another way to reduce the number of packaging used in each household”, says Lotta Johansson Lönn, product and brand manager at Rapsodine in Mariestad.
The company’s latest bold step is to remove packaging completely. The idea started about a year ago when Gram contacted the company and asked about the possibility to sell Rapsodine products in their package-free grocery store in Malmoe.
”At first we were skeptical. There are so many regulations governing cosmetics. But then we started thinking about the possibilities instead”, says Lotta Johansson Lönn. ”We have now delivered package-free liquid soap, shampoo, conditioner och shower cream to Gram for over a year. It’s been a success.”
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Lotta Johansson Lönn at Rapsodine’s refill station in Mariestad.
In September last year Rapsodine set up refill stations in the own factory in Mariestad. Customers can now bring their own bottles and cans to the store, fill them up and pay by weight.
”We were not sure how our customers would react, but the response has been very positive. They are now asking us to make the refill service available for more products”, says Lotta Johansson Lönn.
Once emptied, the durable ten-litre refill cans are cleaned and put back into production.
”We are the first Swedish brand to create a circular system of this kind. In the long run we could save 98 per pent of our plastics by re-using all our plastic bottles as many times as possible”, says Lotta Johansson Lönn.
Rapsodine has also begun making the production process more resource-efficient. One way of minimizing the waste is to not throw away products with minor manufacturing faults, but to sell them at a lower price as factory seconds.
Rapsodine is now about to launch its package-free concept to all retailers, which will make it possible for them to set up their own refill stations in shops around the country.
”It won’t stop here. We have very ambitious plans for the future”, says Lotta Johansson Lönn.

Mariestad municipality is located in Lake Vänern archipelago, a UNESCO Biosphere reserve. Biosphere Reserves involve local communities and all interested stakeholders in the mission to becoming a model region for sustainable development.
Mariestad is also home to Electrivillage, a venture that involves testing and demonstration of sustainable transport and energy systems in the biosphere reserve. ElectriVillage is the way forward for Mariestad to meet ambitious climate goals like the Agenda 2030 for a fossil-free society and the Paris Agreement. There is currently no other model region in the world that exhibit a combination of sustainable transport and energy systems like the one of ElectriVillage.
Mariestad established the world's first solar power powered hydrogen gas station in 2018 and is currently building a fossil-free preschool, powered by innovative energy solutions.

Rapsodine is a family-owned Swedish company that produces organic, vegan skincare and cleaning products.
The company was founded in Mariestad in 1992 and has currently 7 employees.
The products are based on cold-pressed rapeseed oil, which is produced on an organic farm in Southern Sweden. All products are made in the company's factory in Mariestad.

  • Johannes Luiga

    169 w

    Great! Way to go Mariestad!

    • Sara Jonsson

      169 w


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