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Image of Stockholm Exergi

Stockholm Exergi

Climate love

Planning the World’s first carbon-negative district heating

Stockholm Exergi is exploring the possibility of making the Swedish capital’s district heating the world’s first to become carbon negative. As a first step, the company this spring will close its last coal-fired boiler for power and heat production at the Värtaverket combined-cycle plant in Stockholm. The company is now investigating whether a carbon capture system (CCS) could be utilized at Värtaverket, which would turn the plant carbon negative. Based on the pilot in progress, bio-CCS is also a cost-effective alternative for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, the company claims. Read more:

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Pinned by Ingmar Rentzhog

Stockholm Exergi


169 w

Since we started testing CO2-capture through Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage (bio-CCS) in 2019, we have received positive feedback and seen a massive interest in the technology. We are happy that so many have showed interest in our work and we are sharing our results with other companies and academia, in order to be a positive driving force in the development of negative emissions methods, something that is vital to halting climate change. Research and testing was successful during it’s first year and in winter/spring 2021 the research plant is being expanded and improved to enable additional testing. It is an important step towards a full scale plant for capturing biogenic carbon dioxide and thus achieve negative emissions. One of the things that we will be adding to the research is the opportunity to simulate flue gas from other types of facilities, from waste incineration plants to paper mills. The plan for us at Stockholm Exergi is to continue investigating operational circumstances and optimize towards lower energy consumption and lower operating costs. We will also continue to accumulate knowledge about the technology in order to put a much larger full scale bio-CCS unit in operation. The Bio-CCS research plant, v.2.0 - Longer absorption and desorbtion columns, from approx. 1 meter to 25 meter. - Improved access for sampling and measuring inside the absorption column. - Faster analysis of samples through automisation, making it possible to run more tests in less time. - Recirculation of flue gas in order to vary carbon dioxide levels in the process and simulate different flue gas composition. pH-measuring for better understanding of reaction speed regarding the effect of pH on carbon dioxide and potassium carbonate. - A number of improvements in settings for measuring, steering and controlling the process.

  • Stockholm Exergi


    169 w

    Since we started testing CO2-capture through Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage (bio-CCS) in 2019, we have received positive feedback and seen a massive interest in the technology. We are happy that so many have showed interest in our work and we are sharing our results with other companies and academia, in order to be a positive driving force in the development of negative emissions methods, something that is vital to halting climate change. Research and testing was successful during it’s first year and in winter/spring 2021 the research plant is being expanded and improved to enable additional testing. It is an important step towards a full scale plant for capturing biogenic carbon dioxide and thus achieve negative emissions. One of the things that we will be adding to the research is the opportunity to simulate flue gas from other types of facilities, from waste incineration plants to paper mills. The plan for us at Stockholm Exergi is to continue investigating operational circumstances and optimize towards lower energy consumption and lower operating costs. We will also continue to accumulate knowledge about the technology in order to put a much larger full scale bio-CCS unit in operation. The Bio-CCS research plant, v.2.0 - Longer absorption and desorbtion columns, from approx. 1 meter to 25 meter. - Improved access for sampling and measuring inside the absorption column. - Faster analysis of samples through automisation, making it possible to run more tests in less time. - Recirculation of flue gas in order to vary carbon dioxide levels in the process and simulate different flue gas composition. pH-measuring for better understanding of reaction speed regarding the effect of pH on carbon dioxide and potassium carbonate. - A number of improvements in settings for measuring, steering and controlling the process.

    • Ingmar Rentzhog




      169 w

      Fantastic work. I am a very pleased customer. Keep it up. And Thanks for answering

    • We Don't Have Time




      169 w

      Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Stockholm Exergi and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Samuel Plumppu


        222 w

        Will this happen instead of closing the coal plant? If so, wouldn't it be cheaper to replace this cola plant with a renewable heating plant instead? Transporting and storing the waste from a CCS-unit causes extra work compared to other solutions, so it fees like it should be a last resort if it's possible to remove emissions directly at the source. Using CCS to capture directly from the atmosphere is another thing. But in this case, perhaps replacing the emissions at the source would be a better solution?

        • Ingmar Rentzhog




          222 w

          No. They will still closing the coal plant. It seems like they are actually doing it right.

          • Jan Beer


            222 w

            To get the CO2 to the North Sea from Stockholm, it would be liquefied, and the fluid shipped to Bergen, Norway, a Fortum press official told Recharge.

            • Samuel Plumppu


              222 w

              Thanks Jan! This is the part I'm not entirely sure I like, because it adds an extra process. But perhaps it could be improved over time and made more efficient.

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