Climate love
Image of Jävligt gott

Jävligt gott

Climate love

Serving Sweden's first 3d-printed steak 🥩

The vegan entrepreneur Gustav Johanson is running the food blogg “Jävligt gott” and also have his own vegan restaurant Chou Chou in Stockholm. I had a great dinner @ ChouChou with my dear friend and advisory board member Sacha Ghiglione yesterday. We had one of the best steaks I ever had. It was the very first 3d printed and 100% plant-based steak you can buy in Sweden. You can’t believe the taste! We were discussing how to change the narrative in the climate movement. We need to go from doom & gloom to a narrative that embraces the new and exciting future that lies ahead of us. The steak was the perfect example of how to achieve that. Try one for yourself if you are in Stockholm:

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