
Our new tools to help our customers reduce 60 million tons of CO2

By launching a new set of revolutionary digital tools, we have taken another step towards our goal to help reduce 60 million tons of our customers’ CO2 emissions by 2030. As a telecommunications company, we help customers reduce their emissions by providing technological solutions to a variety of sectors. Our goal is to empower them to become more sustainable and efficient.
BT Group’s new digital tools are designed to help multinational customers measure and optimize their carbon impact for running applications and cloud workloads across their networks.
BT Group’s new digital tools are designed to help multinational customers measure and optimize their carbon impact for running applications and cloud workloads across their networks.

Here is how the two digital tools work; customers can upload an inventory of their network equipment for analysis in the Digital Carbon Calculator, which will provide an estimated carbon footprint for their network estate across their devices and recommend potential device swaps that can help reduce carbon. The Carbon Network Dashboard extracts real-time power data and correlates it with grid energy data to help networking teams schedule batch jobs to match renewable energy on the grid. It also utilizes machine learning to detect and predict anomalies. With the Dashboard, our ultimate objective is to help customers meet their sustainability goals by staying updated about the condition of their network equipment. Combined these services help our customers manage their end-to-end carbon emissions.
BT Group’s global head of digital sustainability, Sarwar Khan says:
“With customers hosting more of their applications across multiple clouds, networks are now increasingly vital for all elements of business performance, including carbon impact. Our new tools empower their net zero goals.”
“With our latest tools, we want to make it easier than ever to keep track of carbon emissions, manage equipment replacements, and help customers towards their journeys to net zero.”
Want to learn more? Check out our website.
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    This will improve our Health and Quality of Life.

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      Reducing our carbon footprint is important because it can help to reduce greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere.

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          A great contribution.

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            this is incredible

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