Climate love
Image of Vesiro AB

Vesiro AB

Climate love

Vesiro - speed up data, use less energy

Vesiro’s pitch: Companies are increasingly relying on data to make their businesses more competitive. However, large databases are slow, which means that people analysing the data waste time searching for the data they need in their analyses. Data analysts have told us that they can spend entire days waiting for search results. Using our novel, patented algorithms, we enable companies to get much better search speeds in their databases, reducing costs, time waste, and the waste of energy from their servers. Our software will work as a performance enhancing add-on, a turbo kit, to our customers’ databases, so they will not have to change anything in their existing systems.

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  • Oskar Wahlbäck

    87 w


    • Stefan Bojovic

      87 w

      To the moon! 🚀

      • Sasan

        87 w

        This is amazing! Go Vesiro!!!!

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