
Electrolux Group recycled or recovered 98% of all factory waste in 2022

In 2022, the percentage of waste sent to landfill by Electrolux Group factories went down by 20%. We recycled or recovered almost 98% of all waste that our factories created, a significant step towards having all our factories certified as Zero Waste to Landfill by 2025.
As a manufacturing company, we know that the production of “virgin” resources, which are not reused or recycled, causes a large portion of global greenhouse gas emissions. Beyond that, a lot of natural resources, like sand and precious metals, are becoming harder to come by, which entails higher costs both financially and environmentally. From this perspective, sending “waste” materials to landfills where they stay unused and cause further environmental damage is a massive misuse of our resources.
By certifying factories through the Zero Waste to Landfill program, Electrolux Group is contributing to the circular economy. Image from Curitiba, Brazil.
By certifying factories through the Zero Waste to Landfill program, Electrolux Group is contributing to the circular economy. Image from Curitiba, Brazil.

At Electrolux Group, we are systematically reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfills by working together with the third-party certification program Zero Waste to Landfill. 55% of Electrolux Group factories are certified to the program, meaning they send less than 1% of their total waste to landfill and less than 3% to be incinerated for energy. By 2025, our goal is to have certified all our factories.
“We reduced the percentage of waste sent to landfill by 20% in 2022 compared with the previous year, which is an amazing result,” says Claudia Mazzon, Electrolux Group Operations Sustainability Specialist and global coordinator of the Zero Waste to Landfill program. “I am so proud of the great job done by our colleagues around the world who are proactively working to reduce waste and find recycling opportunities.”
Some of the Electrolux factories that were certified in 2022 had to make some creative changes. For example, the Juarez Fabric Care factory in Mexico found a way to use waste heat to dry and reuse wet silica sand from their waste stream, avoiding more than 25 metric tons of waste to landfills each year. The Guabirotuba Plant in Curitiba, Brazil has partnered with a supplier to transform wasted sealing rubber into carpets. Read more about these examples and more in our press release.
  • john linus Tom

    55 w


    • Evangeline Wanjiru

      57 w

      Kudos to Electrolux!

      • Michael_Rada

        57 w

        Dear WE DO NOT HAVE TIME and ELECTROLUX TEAM, thank you for reporting the ZERO LANDFILL activity results. I am sure not only the environmental, but economic impact is very positive, and believe the next step would be the implementation of INDUSTRY 5.0 principles that instead of better waste management, will implement waste prevention not only in factories and production facilities but in the global supply chain network.

        • Damodar Prabhu Panemangalore

          58 w

          Great effort Ms Claudia Mazzon and team electrolux hope it will be shared with all the manufactueres as #wedonthavetime

          • Kihm Francis

            58 w

            good work #electrolux these are the kind of news the world wants to hear #keepitup

            • Gorffly mokua

              58 w

              This is wonderful!

              • winnie nguru

                58 w

                This is commendable! Good job

                • Patrick Kiash

                  58 w

                  Congratulations! That's an awesome effort!

                  • Sarah Chabane

                    58 w

                    Impressive results! Let's hope that your competitors follow your example

                    • Ingmar Rentzhog

                      58 w

                      98% is impressive. Well done Electrolux!

                      • Tabitha Kimani

                        58 w

                        This is wonderful. Surely " We Can Do It". Your achievement should be emulated.

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