Climate love
Image of Candela Technology

Candela Technology

Climate love

The electric boat challenger releases his own engine: “Something of an eternity machine" 💚💚

The electric car manufacturer Candela, which is the first in the world with an electric hydrofoil boat, has developed its own maintenance-free electric motor. Next year, it will be tested on a passenger ferry in the Stockholm Region. Read more using Google translator. Or even better on Candela's own page and read about the technology.

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time

Candela Technology

140 w

Thanks! At Candela, we believe that making electric boats and ships with better performance than the fossil fuel competitors can change waterborne transportation for the better. C-POD is a big step in this direction. Stay tuned for more exciting news from us this week!

  • Ntshetshere David Letsoalo

    135 w

    Environmental Science was provoked by nuclear waste, the generation and disposal complicated the biomass, I applaud innovation which does not offend the environment.

    • Julie Cunningham

      135 w

      This is a leisure craft. It doesn't transport anything. It just zips around in circles until the pilot gets bored. As far as I can tell, it is WONDERFUL & IMPRESSIVE engineering being applied to the wasteful, elite market of speed boats.

      • Adam Wallin

        135 w

        This is a very good point that I didn't consider at first. Let's use this technology where it makes the most difference!

        • Sarah Chabane

          124 w

          But it says in the review that their technology will be used on passenger ferries in Stockhollm? So it's not exactly true

        • Bo

          139 w

          Wow! It’s incredible

          • Candela Technology

            140 w

            Thanks! At Candela, we believe that making electric boats and ships with better performance than the fossil fuel competitors can change waterborne transportation for the better. C-POD is a big step in this direction. Stay tuned for more exciting news from us this week!

            • We Don't Have Time

              140 w

              Dear Sven Nilson Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Candela Speed Boat and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

              • Lars Ramm

                141 w

                Wow• this is a breaktrough

                • Adam Wallin

                  141 w

                  Making components that need very little serving like this is a huge deal for making our products last longer and reducing the need for replacements. Looking forward to seeing how this develops!

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