Climate love
Image of Hooly Holding AB

Hooly Holding AB

Climate love

Accelerating Charging Infrastructure

Woltuse’s pitch: The need for more charging points is massive. To be able to accelerate the electrification of transportation we need to make sure that first time electrical vehicle buyers are comfortable and secure in knowing that chargers are accessible everywhere. Today, one of the major reasons people don't dare to buy an EV is because of their charging anxiety and lack of range vs number of chargers. We are here to make that transition smoother. As a first step we will attract the charging customers to specific chargers, and while they are charging, we want to make that experience fun and useful. This will attract more customers to the stations and the upside will be that more businesses will install more chargers because of increasing customer rates.

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  • Alan Solomon

    86 w

    I agree with this. It is close to an idea myself and a friend had 5 or 7 years ago but never got it off the ground because of a couple obstacles. One, namely that there was not a need for charging everywhere. We have some very innovative and easy to charge niches and ideas to improve this.

    • Grace Smith

      87 w

      This is a very practical and worthwhile initative. I can see the charging points for electric cars bringing a lot of business into the immediate heighbourhood!

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