Urbangreen's post

Pre-planted coir mats for aquatic environment Pre-planted coir mats for aquatic environment are very beneficial for our planet and can be used in many ways. The mats can be placed on the waterline by the shore or as floating wetlands. The species in the mats are selected based on how well they take up nutrition, heavy metals etc, how well they fix in the ground, the flowering time, and the ability to spread. The Pre-planted coir mats must be placed at the edge of the waterline, with half of the mat in the water and the other just above. The product consists of a coco mat with an inserted geogrid. The life span of the coco mat is about 5- 10 years. The geogrid keeps the plants together even after the coco mats have moulder. The pre-planted coir mats for aquatic environment can be used on beach zones, moisture zone and in shallow water. It is important that the mats always have access to water as the vegetation never can dry out. Pros - Works as a natural water filter. - Can also work as erosion protection. - Easy to install. - Finished mat with many species, that can be placed in every environment. - They grow solid fast because of the rigid root system. - Can be used as floating wetlands. - etc Read more (in Swedish) https://urbangreen.se/produkt/vattenvaxtmattor/

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