
Manufacturers Continue to Search for Disruption-Proof Solutions in 2022

The State of Digital Manufacturing 2022 survey results

We asked - Manufacturing Experts answered
This report is based on a Tacton survey of C-level, Vice Presidents and Directors within the manufacturing industry, spread out globally with a main focus of location in North America and Europe, compiled in January of 2022.
Let's look at what manufacturers are focusing on to be successful in the coming year.
For the second year in a row manufacturing is rapidly moving towards creating digital first experiences for both internal operations and customer experience.
Driven by the pandemic, manufacturers are prioritizing resiliency and the ability to quickly adapt to market changes by searching for disruption-proof solutions which enable them to do more, even in the face of supply chain and staffing issues.

In short, 2021 was a year focused on finding new sustainable solutions

Globalization and hyper connectivity lead to increased competition in all areas of manufacturing, supply chain, staffing shortages and new customer demands have created new challenges for manufacturers. With disruption becoming part of the economic landscape companies have started to focus on addressing their needs as well as customers.
"Supply chain is much more important, automation is a must, and retaining people is vital."

Achieving Environmental, Social, and Governance ESG goals is critical to secure long-term success

Sustainability has become an imperative for manufacturing when talking about business objectives, but the reality is achieving environmental, social, and governance ESG goals is critical to long-term success. With customers becoming more conscious about exactly how products are sourced, it's important to understand where manufacturers are in their sustainability journey.
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Figure 1: Importance of sustainability initiatives, January 2022, The State of Digital Manufacturing 2022, Tacton
As manufacturers strive to become sustainable, no matter the goals, it must be done in an integrated manner that leverages technology across business functions. This can take into account digitalizing business processes, especially around custom capital equipment.
Customers who request products based on sustainability goals want to know every part of the manufacturing process. With this they can make an informed choice on where product parts come from, giving them insight on their footprint as a customer.
Manufacturers can create resilient operations that take into account the challenges of climate change, supply chain by having a clear view of their entire selling landscape, from sales to order fulfillment. This creates a way to avoid any major disruption.
The future of sustainability, supply chain and more will create opportunities for companies who face these challenges head on. Being able to execute near flawless customer experiences paired with end-to-end disruption-proof internal processes will help the bold adopters of new strategies quickly create value.
To help manufacturers keep up-to-date with these developments, we’ve released the survey results, focusing on how manufacturers are creating resiliency for smooth & disruption proof end-to-end operations.
You can download the full version of the survey results hear:

  • Takumi Soyama

    106 w

    The "Soyama turbine"which lets a global environment change completely. I cross it every year for all the held COP,IPCC and the international noise control engineering meetings dozens of years,and a meeting is held by a climate change but a helpless state is the fact technically at a limit.Therefore I invented the turbine which dissolved these difficult problems for a complete change. A ministry of absorption suppresses exhaust gas and as for it ,as for the problem mentioned above ,it is dissolved to the overall internal combustion engine such as a car or the plane the exhaust oral region of the thermal power station immdiately by idling by attaching the turbine which the exhaust sound of the internal combustion engine makes the silence having no bad smell not reduction at the same time to each exhaust oral region .The world hopes that this turbine is adopted for the solution to problem mentioned above heartily.

    • Adam Wallin

      111 w

      Thanks for the insight - it is clear that the full life cycle impact of products is becoming much more important. All companies, nations and organizations must take responsibility over where their materials and resources are sourced from.


        111 w

        All Corporations need to recycle ♻️

        • Tacton

          110 w

          What's so great is that we also hear this from the companies we meet. A lot of them understand that they need to push for circularity, both internally but also that they need to push and enable their customer in this direction as well

        • Marine Stephan

          111 w

          Very interesting survey! Thank you for the summary

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