Climate love
Image of NORBITE


Climate love

Give Climate Love to The startup company Norbite who wants to revolutionize plastic recycling - with caterpillars. Give Climate Love to The startup company Norbite who wants to revolutionize plastic recycling - with caterpillars. “The idea is to solve two problems at once. On the one hand, we get rid of plastic waste, on the other hand, we get nutritious food, ”says founder Nathalie Berezina. Marianne Agazzi DI (Sweden) Read more: The wax moth larva got its name from its ability to eat wax. They are a pest in hives and the larvae's threads make the wax hives inaccessible to the bee. But the moth is not picky, but also eats cork, foods that contain sugar, and plastic. The company Norbite has taken note of this, and has patented a vertical agricultural technology where the insects do it on an industrial scale. The natural biorefinery is now one of the winners in the startup competition Njord Nest. "Around 100 larvae consume a plastic bag in 24 hours," says the company's founder Nathalie Berezina. The goal is to be able to process 30,000 tonnes of plastic per year by 2027. “The idea is to solve two problems at once. On the one hand, we get rid of plastic waste, on the other hand, we get nutritious food ", continues Nathalie Berezina. The idea is that we in turn should consume the larvae. They are high in protein and can be used as food for both humans and animals. The lipids, ie the fats, can be used in skin care and the stool can become biofertilizer. “We believe that Norbite has a great chance to actually make an impact. They have a fantastic idea and we believe it can make a difference, ”says David Medlin, who sits on Njord Nest's jury and is CEO of Vistaprint Norden. Marianne Agazzi DI

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152 w

We are very happy and flattered to receive such a great support from the users of your platform. It is really great to feel this support for our action! We do believe that many of the environmental issues we are currently facing can be solved by a truly collaborative and science-based approach. Thanks again for your support!

  • Timothy Ndegwa

    99 w

    Great Norbite for being a great ambassador in championing for recycling of plastics , the move will go along way to enhance circular economy.

    • Johannes Luiga

      147 w

      Many thanks Sven for sharing these very uplifting news!

      • ItIsHighTime

        152 w

        That sounds like a great solution. What waste products do the caterpillars make and in looking at their bodies after they die (naturally), what evidence of plastic is their in their remains. I hope we find ways that don’t enslave any insect and provide them with a limited diet of plastic. Some practices have decimated bee where they just have access to GMO monocultures. We have to start seeing that autonomy exists beyond human definitions. I really hope this does have well thought out and eco-friendly outcomes.

        • NORBITE

          152 w

          We are very happy and flattered to receive such a great support from the users of your platform. It is really great to feel this support for our action! We do believe that many of the environmental issues we are currently facing can be solved by a truly collaborative and science-based approach. Thanks again for your support!

          • We Don't Have Time

            152 w

            Dear Sven Nilson Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to NORBITE and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

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