
“We’ll pay for your ads - you share your carbon footprint!”

Oatly has thrown down the carbon footprint gauntlet to US dairy companies in our latest public campaign. We’ll pay for advertising space for them if they are willing to share their own carbon footprint numbers.

Oatly has acquired some of the best advertising real estate in the New York Times, LA Times, and Washington Post, as well as large billboards in Times Square and Hollywood to showcase how we are including our carbon footprint on our US products for the first time - while leaving space on the ads for US dairy companies to tell people about their climate footprint numbers too.
Oatly's billboard in Times Square, New York City
Oatly's billboard in Times Square, New York City

“We bought this two-page ad to tell you we’ve begun including climate footprint numbers on our products… And we’re donating [one] page to the dairy industry so they can tell you their climate footprint numbers too.”
It’s a chance for Big Dairy to be transparent about the impact their products have on the planet so consumers can make more informed purchases.
We’re very much looking forward to seeing if they take us up on this offer.
In order for us to make a just transition to a greener future, transparency is crucial. Businesses should be accountable for the climate promises they make, and consumers should be able to make informed decisions about the products they purchase and the brands they support.
According to a recent study, Oatly Barista has between a 44% to 76% lower climate impact than comparable cow’s milk in cases analyzed in Europe and the U.S.
However, the purpose of the campaign is not necessarily to establish footprint superiority for Oatly, it is to advocate for transparency to consumers. So we’ll embrace any company that embraces that same transparency. 
  • Benson Ochido Ochieng

    44 w

    Great campaign

    • Annett Michuki..

      47 w


      • Tabitha Kimani

        47 w

        If companies become honest/transparent with their data, it will be easy to know where we are at in solving the crisis and how to overcome challenges.

        • Munene Mugambi

          47 w

          This means less carbon footprint cause no one wants bad numbers out there.

          • Harrison wambui

            47 w


            • Gorffly mokua

              47 w

              This is a positive action towards promoting accountability & transparency in the corporate world.

              • Ingmar Rentzhog

                48 w


                • Markus Lutteman

                  48 w

                  Great campaign. Very Oatly-esque.

                  • Patrick Kiash

                    48 w

                    Great! Advocating for Transparency is very wonderful,as it will give consumers the right choice.

                    • Sarah Chabane

                      48 w

                      Smart and witty communication, love it! Has anyone been sending their numbers yet? 🧐

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