Climate warning
Image of Findus Sverige

Findus Sverige

Climate warning

Findus sends the fish to China to be filleted

Findus states that they have sustainability in focus but still sends cod, saithe, Alaska pollock and hoki to the manufacturer in China for file production, writtes the newspapper Expressen. One of the reasons for the long haul is the lower wage situation in China. "By placing part of our file production in China, we can continue to offer good quality products at competitive prices," says Maria Svantemark, Nordic sustainability manager at Findus. I believe that it will be more sustainable to do the filleas in Sweden and be able to be competitive in price if they imstead do it with automation. Please read more in the article:

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Findus Sverige

134 w

During the first 6 months of 2021 we started moving all of our cod production from China to Europe, and the move will be complete by the end of the year. We have found a partner in Europe, closer to where the cod is fished, who can handle the volumes we need and meet the demands we have regarding quality, taste, price and sustainability.

  • Johannes Luiga

    134 w

    Very good decision by Findus! Did you communicate this decision in any way? Please join as a partner with and their team will help you communicate this and other climate related news

    • Findus Sverige

      134 w

      During the first 6 months of 2021 we started moving all of our cod production from China to Europe, and the move will be complete by the end of the year. We have found a partner in Europe, closer to where the cod is fished, who can handle the volumes we need and meet the demands we have regarding quality, taste, price and sustainability.

      • Ingmar Rentzhog

        134 w

        That is fantastic news. Good work Findus!

      • We Don't Have Time

        134 w

        Dear Stefan Johansson Thank you for getting your climate warning to level 2! We have reached out to Findus Sverige and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

        • Mårten Laurell Thorlsund

          220 w

          Large scale . The customers are not to blame. This is politics and Food industry.

          • Mårten Laurell Thorlsund

            220 w

            Same with Norwegian salmon (a k a the rats of our oceans)

            • Sven Nilson

              220 w

              Yes it is messy but how stupid is it really ?! What is the difference with this and that we sell metals to China and buy back the metal in the form of electronic gadgets. ;) But! Of course, I dislike both scenarios.

              • Ingmar Rentzhog

                220 w

                The difference is that we eat food every day. We buy a new phone not so often!

                • Sven Nilson

                  220 w

                  How we affect the climate is not so simple and obvious. If / when you take the car to the store you will have more impact on the environment than your dinner fish's China visit. "We filter mosquitoes but swallow camels." But great if Findus is investing in automation instead.

                  • Ingmar Rentzhog

                    220 w


              • Ingmar Rentzhog

                220 w

                This is so wrong in many ways!

                • David Hjortsberg

                  220 w

                  This is madness. I agree that automation may be a way to equalize the cost so this sort of nonsense can stop.

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