Climate warning
Image of Tinne Van der Straeten

Tinne Van der Straeten

Climate warning

Energie minister Belgium (greens) will build multiple gas plants.

Minister of energy in Belgium is setting everything in place to make sure that gasplants are build in Belgium dispite all implications. Belgium will increase its carbon output with 12% and become the 5th largest contribution to greenhouse gasses in Europe. Politics are so locked in that by 2025 3 or maybe 6 or more gasplants will have been build in Belgian. Engie/electrabel alone will take up 2-3 plants German RWE is also planning to enter. Large sums of subsidies are being prepared.

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  • We Don't Have Time

    148 w

    Dear Jehannes Ros Thank you for getting your climate warning to level 2! We have reached out to Tinne Van der Straeten and asked for a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

    • Peter Kamau

      148 w

      Deeply retrogressive plans.there could be a sinister thought into the plan since the said minister is definitely aware of the climate crisis and that setting up the plant is not a rightful one.

      • Markus Lutteman

        148 w

        Mrs Van der Straeten - and her advisors - should do some in-depth reading on the current heat-wave in Canada. Then she should reconsider.

        • Pia Jensen

          148 w

          When we are supposed to be lowering GHGs 🤦‍♀️ "A leaked UN report warns of coming unlivable heat waves, widespread hunger and drought, rising sea levels and extinction - ‘worst is yet to come.’"

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