Climate love
Image of Cellfion AB

Cellfion AB

Climate love

Bio-based membranes

Cellfion's pitch: We strive towards the advancement of green energy technologies. Electrochemical cells such as Redox Flow Batteries, Electrolysers and Fuel Cells are the backbone of the renewable energy industry playing vital roles in energy storage and conversion devices. The performance of the device is dependent on the membrane, which needs to have tailored characteristics for each specific application. Reliable, high-performing membranes are a requirement for the advancement of these green technologies. Cellfion offers bio-based membranes, made from wood, with properties tunable for each specific application so that the green energy economy can become even greener.

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  • Thomas Blum

    87 w

    I look for "killer use cases", traction with customers and ability to produce membranes at scale when considering membrane companies.

    • Shanmuga Sundara Bharathi

      87 w

      What is the cost of each membrane in terms of TREES CUT ?

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