Climate love
Image of Ville de Lille

Ville de Lille

Climate love

The tarmac is being replaced by grass and vegetation in the city's schoolyards

I remember 15 years ago when my elementary school in the North of France cut down all the trees and removed the grass to replace it with tarmac. I was heartbroken to see nature and the freshness and beautiful colors it brings disappear. But today, vegetation is coming back in some schoolyards. The city of Lille (North of France) has chosen to transform its schoolyards, removing the tarmac from the playgrounds to replace it with permeable soil and vegetation (including a vegetable garden). The schoolyards have also been equipped with water collectors, composters, and educational corners. A good way to make children pay attention to the gestures that respect the planet and its biodiversity 🌍 The city of Lille is one of the ten pilot sites in France for Nature-based Solutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition. In Lille, at least one-third of the surface of the school playgrounds is now covered by vegetation. Read more (FR):

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  • Muhammad Fahd Khan


    93 w

    Good Green! πŸ’š 🌿 🌴

  • Sarah Chabane



    95 w

    Good job Lille! We need more cities regreening their concrete spaces and such a good way to teach children about the importance of nature πŸ’š

    • Marine Stephan


      95 w

      I hope other (French) cities will soon do the same

    • Peter Kamau


      95 w

      This is such an important correction made.It does tell that we've done grievous damages on the environment and it's time to mend.

      • Marine Stephan


        95 w

        @peter_kamau yes exactly... the damages shouldn't have been done in the first place, but at least it is reassuring that we notice it and act on it

      • Patrick Kiash




        95 w

        Great Idea from ministry of Ecological Transition. Indeed we need more such transformation all over.

        • Marine Stephan


          95 w

          I really hope it will be expanded to other schools (and public infrastructures)

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