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Climate love

The optimal method for limiting COâ‚‚

Fastighetsanalys’ pitch: Very concise! Everything must start with energy efficiency in our buildings. Our method must be used. Our solution is called SENIB, a solution that adjusts heating systems with low flow and makes sure that the district heating network receives 30 degrees in return for most of the year in Sweden. This way, it would be possible to generate an additional 1.5 TWh electricity in back-pressure plants. All combustion of biofuels and fossil fuels must cease! Nuclear power must be expanded so that we can use heat pumps in district heating networks and switch to hydrogen-powered transport vehicles.

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  • Alan Solomon


    86 w

    Not sure how I feel about nuclear power?

    • Hans Lönn


      86 w

      @alan_solomon and it doesn´t matter to you if we produce more CO2? And you don´t concider that there is a climatcrisis?

    • Hans Lönn


      87 w

      If you are interested to read more about what my proposal consists of please read on the lenk to my website!

      • Patrik Lobergh



        87 w

        There is a snag to the following statement: "Nuclear power must be expanded", as stated in above solution proposal, and the WeDontHaveTime mail heading "At the same time, nuclear power plants are being shut down because the water is too hot to cool the reactors". Renewables is the solution.

        • Adam Wallin



          87 w

          We need to reduce our energy consumption, and therefore you have my vote!

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