Climate love
Image of Eavor Technologies

Eavor Technologies

Climate love

For developing a scalable system for geothermal baseload power

Canadian start-up Eavor has invented a method of turning sub-surface heat from the Earth’s core into renewable energy, without the need to discover underground hot-water reservoirs, or to use huge amounts of energy to pump injected water to the surface. The closed-loop system harvests heat from deep in the earth to be used for commercial heating applications like district heating, or to generate electricity using conventional heat to power engines. According to the company, this system could be placed and used almost anywhere in the world. It is therefore also a scalable solution that could complement wind and solar energy with baseload power. Find out more:

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  • We Don't Have Time

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    Dear Markus Lutteman Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Eavor Technologies and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

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