
Learn about leading climate tech innovations at the VERGE 22 Expo in San Jose, CA

The VERGE 22 Expo will feature more than 60 organizations applying their innovative technologies and services to address the climate crisis in the following areas: clean energy, sustainable transportation, carbon removal, regenerative food systems, net-zero buildings and the startup ecosystem.
Expo highlights include:
  • VERGE Microgrid — the world’s largest temporary microgrid demonstrating the power, resilience and efficiency of distributed energy solutions.
  • Startup Pavilion — a place for collaborations, convenings and interactive discussions among startups, investors and the wider innovation ecosystem at VERGE 22.
  • Amazon's Climate Pledge Stage — the stage will showcase the impact of the partnerships, technologies and strategies being pioneered by pledge signatories, each of which has committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2040.
Learn more & register for VERGE 22 before rates increase September 30:

  • Angela Esper

    3 w

    This technological innovation is very exciting and we are willing to contribute to the climate of the planet. Let's do it together!

    • Kenya Hauck

      35 w

      It's great that the initiative is inclusive of both small businesses and large ones that have made a commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. Excellent work!

      • loinse bekean

        44 w

        Discover the latest advancements in clean energy technologies and solutions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a sustainable energy future.

        • Lorde Laura

          55 w

          The VERGE 22 Expo is an upcoming event in San Jose, CA, that showcases more than 60 organizations applying innovative technologies and services to address the climate crisis.

          • win lizee

            64 w

            To the best of my knowledge, this is the site with the most information on this subject.

            • Marvin Smith

              69 w

              In addition, they are an excellent way to keep up with the latest technological developments and industry news. Some of these may be worth traveling for, and registration deadlines may be approaching quickly, so be sure to check them out before they close.

              • luu allbert

                82 w

                We invite you to join us as we discuss three cutting-edge innovations in net-zero cities, energy, and sustainability.

                • Ford Brodeur

                  82 w

                  September 30th is quickly approaching!

                  • Adam Wallin

                    82 w

                    I like how the program covers everything from startup to major corporation that is part of the climate pledge. Well done!

                    Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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