
More resource-efficient manufacturing through CPQ systems

A significant part of our climate footprint relates to the manufacturing of products. It is estimated that manufacturing alone accounts for 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions, underlining the urgency to rethink and reinvent how we produce our products in order to stay below catastrophic levels of warming.
While it’s currently impossible to completely remove the climate footprint of manufacturing, a lot can be done in a short period of time by reducing resource use through minimizing waste. The best way to minimize waste in manufacturing is by reducing the material used for products, especially ones that never get used. A typical example is creating a product that fits a specific purpose and putting it on the warehouse shelves only to have them go unpurchased and go to waste.

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Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) solutions are a big part of doing just that. Being able to provide digital transformative efforts can reduce waste, keep lean manufacturing goals, and more. At Tacton we can support our customers to incorporate the environmental impact into their configuration process. While we recognize we have a long way to go to combat climate change, a meaningful digital strategy powered by CPQ is an integral part of that process.

So how does this work?

CPQ in general is a way to put together a valid configuration of products and services with approved pricing using a combination of rules and workflow, allowing a salesperson to customize the product to the customer’s specifications.
Tacton’s CPQ’s smart configuration engine enables anyone to configure an optimized solution by automatically using sustainable materials, reducing wasteful components and avoiding oversizing.
CPQ also enables manufacturers to offer an optimized product that is in line with local regulations on emissions and other sustainability demands in their specific region. With CPQ it’s even possible to allow faster product introductions that are aligned with a changing market.

These efforts will benefit more than just the climate. By showing environmental responsibility, manufacturers have also observed some “soft” benefits such as more demand as customers are more and more looking to work with responsible organizations. Constraints and data management also provides a much faster time to market for manufacturers using CPQ which allows them to better adapt to regulatory changes and innovation which again will translate into a larger volume of sales and a reduction in sales lead time.
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