Climate love
Image of Raws


Climate love

Raws launches a sharp response to the plastic giants Give them your KLIMAT LOVE

Svenska Raws was launched May 23, 2019 and does so with notice. Swedish reed straw with 100% natural production, harvested locally, which stands up in all drinks without softening and can be used again and again is now a reality. Raws is not just a straw, it is a revolution against plastic. It was a process for Swedish Raws to identify its first product in order to be able to offer an alternative to plastic that does not involve a lengthy process or behavioral change among users. After evaluating alternatives with wheat, straw and other natural products, it became clear that the best, in both production and use, is sharp. Production is simple. Reeds are harvested, collected and rinsed. A heating, to remove any bacteria, and wiping later, they are ready to use. - I think everyone today wants to use less plastic, Raws gives the opportunity to actually do it. Today it is like a minefield to avoid plastic during the day, so Raws was started. We will also donate 10% of the profits to organizations that work to clean up plastic we have already consumed and unfortunately thrown in nature and our seas. We are not here to preach or ask anyone to compromise, we simply believe we have the best straw on the market today. We are driving a revolution against plastic, says Eyoel Lundberg, founder and CEO of Raws. In production, the focus is not only on the company's product. The remaining part of the straw after the straw has been cut out can be used partly as flower sticks, but perhaps even more important is that all excess straw can be used for bioenergy. Should a used reed straw end up in nature, it breaks down naturally. Another advantage of Raws is that reeds can be harvested locally to reduce transport and unnecessary detours. - We in Sweden have a habit of challenging the "status quo", that is what we have done here as well. The alternatives to plastic straws available on the market today are not good enough due to the impact on production and transport. Either forest is harvested or metal is produced and then sent to each local market, we have identified a raw material that has so far been seen as waste during felling and taken care of. Every market we activate can also have a local harvest and production that is the goal for us, Lundberg continues.

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  • We Don't Have Time

    146 w

    Dear Sven Nilson Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Raws and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

    • Johannes Luiga

      146 w

      Truly inspiring

      • Sarah Chabane

        146 w

        Love this! I hope to see Raws in every Swedish cafés and bars very soon, I like their marketing too

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