Ingmar Rentzhog's post

My latest video keynote👇 is a 10-minute must-watch if you want positive climate news! I explain why I am hopeful and that we are progressing faster and much more than most people know. We just need to remove the (fossil) power that holds us back by trying to push down the cork while more and more of us are shaking the bottle! Watch to the end of my video to understand the powerful message! #LetsShakeTheBottle #WeCanDoIt💪#WeDontHaveTime #Climate #Victory Share this video and spread some climate love! 💚


    14 w

    Thank you, Mr Rentzhog, for this inspiring and hopeful message! Your bottle analogy is particularly powerful: it's time to release our collective potential by acting against the fossil fuels that are holding us back. It is encouraging to know that significant progress is being made, even if this is not always visible. By sharing this video, we can all help spread a positive message and mobilize more people around the climate cause. Together, let's shake the bottle and work for a sustainable future!

    • B.ark

      43 w

      @Rentzhog 7% 🤯 that just means money’s value is decided by mankind’s seasoning, loosing meaning as it just keeps pushing the ceiling whilst companies keep on stealing and deceiving, I’m squeezing: we all remember Shell… Not a prophesying Prophet but I’ll tell you: “going Green will make ever so much more the Profit!” 💪💚 #moreChampagneForThisCampaign 🥂

      • johnte ndeto

        46 w

        Nice video I really enjoy watching @ingmar

        • Save Lake Varese

          54 w

          It is obvious that fossil industry doesn't want to loose their business and all the richness which they got, selling oil and gas since more than hundred years. It will last a long time to change this and it will happen only if there are other technological solutions. Therefore science is so important.

          • Save Lake Varese

            54 w

            I am happy that my grandchild is studying Nuclear Physics, like her grandfather did.

            • Videlis Eddie

              68 w

              This is awesome... Keep on giving the world hope Mr Ingmar

              • ben chamoro

                68 w

                Green revolution is here and we are not looking back, keep up the great work you are doing brother

                • Anne Svare

                  68 w

                  Nice 💚

                  • Raymond Ford

                    68 w

                    When we are talking green energy I thought it best to add a spin to the conversation .. Replace nuclear with Cold Fusion. Helion is very close to bringing Polaris online.

                    • Edwin wangombe

                      68 w

                      Let's make it Pop!

                    • CHRIS NGATIA

                      68 w

                      Such a hope giving message

                      • john linus Tom

                        68 w

                        This is very encouraging

                        • Saustine Lusanzu

                          68 w

                          Congratulations, I have learned a lot

                          • Njugi Muikamba

                            68 w

                            We are aboard this train to a Sustainable future. #treeambassador #Onetreeplanted #GenerationRestoration #Actnow I

                            • MA Reen

                              68 w

                              Great job

                              • Princess

                                68 w

                                That's very encouraging 👏.

                                • Jesús Bartolome

                                  68 w

                                  It is simply brilliant, the cork idea, genius....

                                  • Peter Kamau

                                    68 w

                                    A very inspiring message and instilling courage and hope to the course. We will keep championing for this because it is time for action now!!

                                    • DIPANJANA MAULIK

                                      68 w

                                      Again an excellent message. Continous shaking is required for coming out of the comfort zone of conventional regime and for fizzling out the distractions and data doping. Let's act.

                                      • ClimateHero

                                        68 w

                                        Let's make it pop!

                                        • Frederique Seidel

                                          68 w

                                          Thanks a lot Ingmar! These resources can help to support the acceleration of climate solutions:

                                          • Oskar Mineur

                                            68 w

                                            Keep up the Good work Ingmar! Everbody have to to more and faster!

                                            • Kevin

                                              68 w

                                              This is the message of then will be done

                                              • zelda ninga

                                                68 w

                                                A good message coming from our leader.thank you sir.

                                                • Alan Solomon

                                                  68 w

                                                  Thank you, Ingmar. Your video above is a great example of our current situation. I am getting so sick of the ongoing denial, lying, cheating and negative behavior towards helping our planet recover from the last 100 years. Thank you again for your message. You are welcome to email me back with information on positive action that I can take to help and be of service regarding this Today.

                                                  • Raymond Ford

                                                    68 w

                                                    I am sharing with my contacts. I will be submitting my video on fire smarting/rewilding on our property 16 AC here in 100 Mile House British Columbia ..

                                                    • Esther Wanjiku

                                                      68 w

                                                      This is a great message and it really emphasizes how it can be done

                                                      • Marco Rodzynek

                                                        68 w

                                                        Masterpiece. What a great video. Authentic, interesting and indeed hopeful

                                                        • Ingmar Rentzhog

                                                          68 w

                                                          @marco_rodzynek Thanks a lot, Marco! means a lot coming from you!

                                                        • Raymond Ford

                                                          68 w

                                                          System change is here

                                                          • Sarah Chabane

                                                            68 w

                                                            Let it pop! 🍾

                                                            • Grace Njeri

                                                              69 w

                                                              Yes we can do it!

                                                              • MA Reen

                                                                69 w

                                                                The future must be great.

                                                                • Patrick Kiash

                                                                  69 w

                                                                  Great positive message and very inspiring. Thank you for giving out hope! We must shake the bottle.

                                                                  • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

                                                                    69 w

                                                                    This video keynote delivers a much-needed dose of positivity about climate change progress. Our CEO's optimism and call to remove fossil fuel influence are encouraging.#ClimateAction #PositiveChange 🌍💚

                                                                    • Rotich Kim

                                                                      69 w

                                                                      Encourage good message we need to encourage it

                                                                      • Johannes Luiga

                                                                        69 w

                                                                        Such an important and hope giving message 💚


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                                                                        We need to stop methane and #BuyMoreTime