We Don't Have Time's post

COP27 Climate Hub! It’s a wrap! Thanks to our fantastic partners, we reached a new record of over 50 million viewers together during COP27. That is 3.5 times more than COP26, where we had 15 million viewers! Curious about how it was behind the scenes? Enjoy this short film shot on the last day at #cop27. Besides these statistics, parts of the content were also broadcasted via European Broadcast Union to thousands of TV stations worldwide and via our media partners platforms such as LinkedIn, EarthX TV, Bloomberg Green, NowThis, Mongabay and many many others. Over 75 000 We Don't Have Time members from more than 140 countries subscribed to our daily COP27 newsletter and were accessing the COP27 Climate Hub, where all content is still available for free --> https://WeDontHaveTime.org/cop27 Big shout out to our main partners Ericsson, UNDP, Global Commons Alliance, Business Sweden, and Exponential Roadmap Initiative and our amazing media partners Twitter, LinkedIn, Spotify, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), EarthxTV, MongabayBloomberg Green, NowThis, GreenBiz Group. And all our speakers, partners, and colleagues working behind the scenes that made this happen! THANK YOU! https://youtu.be/oDim3lRekmI

Pinned by We Don't Have Time

We Don't Have Time

118 w

Ask your questions directly to our speakers in the comment field.

  • Johannes Luiga

    115 w

    It was truly a great success💚 Thanks to all who made it possible

    • Timothy Ndegwa

      116 w

      This is a manifestation of what team work can yield to, congratulation to everyone who made this happen.

      • Ted Weber

        116 w

        I'm disappointed that there was almost no coverage of biodiversity, which was one of the focuses of the COP.

        • Vinicius Ferreira

          117 w

          Hello dear friends, I have nothing to ask, I know we are living in difficult times, but we continue to believe in a better future. Congratulations on your work, hugs from Brazil!

          • Stefan Tarkovacs

            117 w

            How to submit a marine global solution made of patented innovations ?

            • Stefan Tarkovacs

              117 w

              A full economy from oceans Urgency, equity, peace and profitability needs more than thousands of wind mills for an intermittent solution, of which maintenance and installations are far too expensives and for limited areas. Tar Kovacs Systems has patented and designed a universal technology available for all countries, needing no installation/maintenance, providing by any weather and water depth conditions a CONSTANT RE and green hydrogen, but also natural fishes and wild regeneration, ocean self-cleaning whales, seabed clear water wells exploitation, ocean pollutant self-cleaning vessel at all depth, etc.... This is the right tool, with zero foot print able to reinvent any economy from oceans, profitable, and sustainable.

              • okeyo brian

                117 w

                It's time to take action without wasting time because I believe we can do it and we don't have time...the time to act is now

                • Cyprianoh Kapiece

                  117 w

                  What action can we take to mitigate the rampant climate change in Kenya which is turning to be of negative impact

                  • COLLINS OMONDI

                    117 w

                    We should not only have the conversation but also do the implications

                    • Ravi Kalavakunta

                      117 w

                      Great effort towards the green cause to protect our environment and healthy living 👏

                      • Tabitha Kimani

                        117 w

                        Lots of climate change solutions being discussed. The dissemination of information is super.

                        • Keko Buda

                          117 w

                          Road transport, aviation and industries should be shifting from fossil fuels to green clean energies so that we save our planet from climate crisis and preserve for future generations,hurry up we don't have it time but we can do it,how ? This is what we can be doing , collectively as a team,to create awareness, empower and educate every human being to take part in it because together we can do it simple slogan. You can't be me ,I cannot be you but we can coexist to be , let's embrace collective efforts to over come these problems.#we can do it💪

                          • Kelly Violet

                            117 w

                            Hey people let's work towards building a better place place for coming generations .With minimum sacrifices and increase in recycling reuse and remodeling

                            • Metrine Khaoma

                              117 w

                              Using modern technology to improve the ecosystem

                              • Diana Elina

                                117 w


                                • Kelly Violet

                                  117 w

                                  A better place for all of us

                                  • Metrine Khaoma

                                    117 w

                                    How to use modern technology to improve the ecosystem

                                    • Wilson ngunjiri

                                      117 w

                                      This is a nice start up

                                      • Jezreel abura

                                        117 w

                                        Greetings from +254 Great to ba one of this great formation

                                        • michael wanjuzi

                                          117 w

                                          Greetings from Manafwa District in Eastern Uganda.

                                          • Mwangi Stephen Nzomo

                                            117 w

                                            Waiting for reviews from Nairobi Hub

                                            • hoseya makau

                                              117 w

                                              Watching live at mount Kenya university #together we are the solutions to climate crisis

                                              • Winfred Mso

                                                117 w

                                                Watching and participating live from Mount Kenya University ✨#together for change

                                                • Abraham Tulel

                                                  117 w

                                                  Day 7 has been successful,from Nairobi Hub we have engaged . Looking forward for day 8.

                                                  • Kip Yegon

                                                    117 w

                                                    We’re the change .we can influence

                                                    • Edward Kaboco

                                                      117 w

                                                      #we can do it💪

                                                      • Bakhita Wambui

                                                        117 w

                                                        Be the change you want seen

                                                        • Samuel Kuria

                                                          117 w

                                                          Actually i can see there is a way. Lets all unite and fight global warming to create a good environment for our children

                                                          • GODSDAY IDANEGBE USIABULU

                                                            117 w

                                                            I do not believe what the minister said. It is all deception. Many young adult and youth like participated in the pre COP27 conference Training, we spent our hard earned resources for the Africa Climate Ambassadors. We where about 70 individuals from 20 Africa countries. We were given an assignment to research on and came up draft documents as well as PowerPoints presentation. I was the presenter and coordinator of my group. Africa Climate Ambassador ACA ENERGY GROUP 2. The question is, what Support was given to us to participate in the COP27? Obviously non. What ever he meant by their pro Cairo action for Climate Change initiative is deception, selfish and Geopolitical Agenda for Egypt and their allies alone. Once bitten twice shy!

                                                            • oseur kateri

                                                              117 w

                                                              Let's save our Nations against this climate change

                                                              • HINNA KHALID (Ms)

                                                                117 w

                                                                @oseur_kateri we need actions they just talk right ! So yes let’s do it at individual level

                                                              • GODSDAY IDANEGBE USIABULU

                                                                117 w

                                                                What has really changed since COP26 till now?

                                                                • Fredrik Linden

                                                                  117 w

                                                                  How do you see Heder Hashgraph DLT compare to regular Blockchain DLT when it comes to being environmentally friendly?

                                                                  • Mujidu Victor

                                                                    117 w

                                                                    I think youths are the most immediate people who need education regarding climate change's effects. Coming up with innovative plans will be a kick-start in ending carbon emissions globally and meeting the SDGs as far as vision 2030 is concerned.

                                                                    • Fortnum Global

                                                                      117 w

                                                                      Nothing is likely to change until we give young people a chance to lead