Climate love
Image of Smart Climate Scandinavian AB

Smart Climate Scandinavian AB

Climate love

Pure Generation AC

Smart Climate Scandinavian’s pitch: Aircrafts need energy not only when flying, when parked they need ventilation and heating or cooling to keep the cabin conditioned for crew and passengers. This is an energy demanding task and source of large emissions. Traditionally it’s accomplished using diesel or electrically driven AC-units. Or even with the APU in the aircraft that burn jet fuel. Did you know that the APU can produce up to 700 kg of carbon emissions per hour? The same amount of emissions as driving a car from Stockholm, Sweden to Barcelona, Spain! Our alternative, the Pure Generation AC, will cut costs and emissions. Save up to 40% energy, 95% less emissions vs the APU & 95% less electric power vs electric units.

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  • Johannes Luiga


    86 w

    Very interesting

    • D Sanan


      86 w

      Any details on how it works?

      • Alan Solomon


        86 w

        Sounds great. HVAC is big on my list. I am interested in all HVAC ideas, thoughts and suggestions.

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