Climate love
Image of Greenpeace UK

Greenpeace UK

Climate love

judicial review of the UK Government issuing of 100+ new oil and gas licences

The UK's High Court has green-lighted a judicial review of the UK Government issuing of 100+ new oil and gas licences in the north sea that was requested by Greenpeace. This means that government have to go to court to argue their case and justify the decision to unleash a new drilling frenzy in the North Sea against the advice of leading scientists, the United Nations and International Energy Agency (IEA). This is a hugely impactful decision, and the outcome of the case will be closely watched by governments around the world, as it sets a legal precedent for any future plans to drill for more oil. Read more:

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  • John linus Tom

    50 w

    This is very important

    • We Don't Have Time

      51 w

      Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Greenpeace UK and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Munene Mugambi

        51 w

        Favourable outcome for the environment is all we want

        • Kevin

          51 w

          Looking forward to a ruling that favors Greenspace

          • Sarah Chabane

            51 w

            Great news! I hoe it has an impact on future drilling plans

            • Peter Kamau

              51 w

              If by any chance all of the issued licenses are canceled following Greenpeace ardent pursuit of environmental justice, this could go down in the history books and that's what I'd love to see done.

              • Tabitha Kimani

                51 w

                Very important. Looking forward to the courts outcome.

                • Hanneke Cummings-Faber

                  51 w

                  I do not know if I,agree or disagree. Putin invaded Ukraine and causing havoc on oil,and gas market. Prices of oil@gas have doubled. We suffer for it and high inflation as a cause!!!

                  • Sarah Chabane

                    51 w

                    @hanneke_cummings_faber sure, but there are other solutions out there than creating new climate bombs

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