Climate love
Image of Pattie Gonia

Pattie Gonia

Climate love

Pattie Gonia, the environmentalist drag queen, wants to create a more inclusive climate movement

Queer environmental activist Pattie Gonia wants everyone to follow them in the great outdoors, with or without high heels. With more than 300 thousand followers on Instagram, Pattie uses her account to challenge conventional representations of what climate activists and outdoors people look like and to speak up about environmental issues. This professional photographer from Nebraska grew up in nature, in "the middle of everywhere" and dealt with internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity for 10 years of their life as an openly gay male and wasn't allowing herself to show their true queer and identity. Today Pattie does not want anyone to go through the same experience and that's how Pattie Gonia was born. . Pattie wants to show that everyone can express their full self in nature. Pattie uses her social media platform to share pictures and videos of herself hiking, camping and organises inclusive hikes with groups of queer people, non-binary people and trans people who often have never been to the countryside. She also posed next to an oil rig to push for fossil fuel divestment, and she created a gown made of recycled garments as well as actual trash to raise awareness of plastic pollution. I love Pattie's initiative, creating an inclusive environmental movement is key for real impact. I will definitely think twice before choosing my hiking shoes and maybe consider stilettos before my next outdoor adventure.

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Pattie Gonia

125 w

Thank you so much for the feature and for the work that you are doing.

  • Pattie Gonia

    125 w

    Thank you so much for the feature and for the work that you are doing.

    • Sarah Chabane

      125 w

      Thanks for answering Pattie, you are one of the few I follow on Instagram and you're doing a fantastic job! 💚

    • ItIsHighTime

      145 w

      Thanks Sarah for provoking more food for thought and discussion and if you or any of you have some time (which, I know we don’t have ‘much’ of) please contribute as I need to commune with other to help me. Anyone with any appetite? 🙏🏽 Honestly seeking 🧩 I tend to find myself filled with lots of questions around platforming in all instances in social media, even for my favourite WDHT😁. I feel a need to understand the rivers I travel on and the travellers I find myself “in the same boat” with. While I appreciate good guides, I still realize a personal responsibility to question all assumptions made or held. The importance of actively testing the strength and weaknesses when assertion are stated as truth is important. This being of necessary to me largely due to the oscillation of main stream thinking and modes over time still on the pendulum. Us humans, by our nature, appear prone to divide and subdivide everything infinitum, almost endlessly creating (sometimes fragmenting beyond recognition as we have done to our detriment in war with the basis of matter itself) so many niches to exploit for our human thinking to live in, as thought seems to be capable of infinite growth and expansion into every nook and cranny. What feels an important piece to me is the integrating of an idea within other ideas by asking a lot of questions about the rationale in formulating the infrastructure. While I am a lover of ideas, I am always a cautious follower and still find myself down many rabbit holes. I am a Q in the questioning realm of things and often queerly thought pattered, possible even trending ‘pan’ (although a new terminology to me) as love to me is not held in form or ❤️ symbol but penetrates the formless as energy within, between, and beyond ‘things’. It go way further than any ‘both’ or ‘other’ and the only limit seems to be our imagination for definition. Further, if those are not enough definitions there is this: AND SADDLY THEY DIDN’T EVEN INCLUDE Two-Spirited (2S) 🐛🦋 When does this expansion lead to a contraction, or does it? Is gravity or something else the greater force in our universe, our ‘one song’? When will we learn to sing together? Will we? Just in time?

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