Climate love
Image of Robeco Asset Management

Robeco Asset Management

Climate love

Robeco amongst investors representing over €1.8 trillion in assets urge companies to advance no-deforestation efforts

A coalition of nine financial institutions representing €1.8 trillion in assets under management is asking companies to take action to end deforestation in their supply chains, as well as to enhance supply chain traceability. The initiative will provide investors with more transparency in the supply chains of companies they invest in and reduce deforestation risks in their portfolios.

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  • Robeco Asset Management

    161 w

    Preventing deforestation is one of the most powerful instruments to prevent emissions globally. Robeco engages with companies in the beef, soy, cocoa, timber and rubber sectors to ensure that they halt deforestation for these raw materials. We urge companies to achieve traceability in their supply chain and use those insights to prevent further climate damage and biodiversity loss. As investors we believe that through active ownership we have an ability to support change at the companies we invest in. ~ Peter van der Werf, Senior Engagement Specialist, Team Lead Engagement at Robeco

    • Shipra Madan

      161 w

      Thank you Robeco Asset Management for responding. As major sources of deforestation, businesses need to understand and address commodity-driven deforestation risks in their supply chains.

      • Muhammad Fahd Khan

        160 w

        I appreciate your active ownership role as Investors and playing right for the environment.

        • 1 more replies
      • We Don't Have Time

        161 w

        Dear Shipra Madan Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Robeco Asset Management and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

        • Johannes Luiga

          179 w

          Very encouraging!

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