Climate love
Image of Tricorona Climate Partner

Tricorona Climate Partner

Climate love

Their aim is to help companies reduce and manage their climate impact

We are driven by a belief that companies can improve the world through their climate work and at the same time increase profitability! We were founded in 2006 and are a purpose-driven company. Our aim is to help companies reduce and manage their climate impact so that the world can achieve the Paris Agreement's climate goals. Our promise We are business-like, efficient and maximize the business value for you as a customer. As experts in the climate field, you should feel confident that we are always up to date and work with accepted global standards and frameworks. We only deliver high-quality climate compensation projects with robust certifications. We take your assignment very seriously, always deliver quality and keep to the schedule. By working with us, you have a climate partner who wants you and the planet's best. We hope you want to join us on the journey! I recommend you take a look at their page which says a lot more than my short review.

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time

Tricorona Climate Partner

110 w

Dear Sven, we truly appreciate you taking the time to highlight our work. This is an exciting journey and what gives us hope is the growing amount of companies wanting to take action. And also thinking beyond the value chain so we can reach the global climate goals. We believe companies have a big role in this transition and together we can change the world for the better! <3

  • Sheila wanjiru Nduta

    109 w

    If all companies emulated you,we would be in a better place

    • Edwin wangombe

      110 w

      I also believe that if companies decided to take the safe green route they can definitely change the world...

      • Tricorona Climate Partner

        110 w

        Dear Sven, we truly appreciate you taking the time to highlight our work. This is an exciting journey and what gives us hope is the growing amount of companies wanting to take action. And also thinking beyond the value chain so we can reach the global climate goals. We believe companies have a big role in this transition and together we can change the world for the better! <3

        • We Don't Have Time

          110 w

          Dear Sven Nilson Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Tricorona Climate Partner and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

          Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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