Climate love
Image of GronodlaTEC AB

GronodlaTEC AB

Climate love

Innovative heat booster and cooling technology

GronodlaTEC’s pitch: In this project, a patentable heat pump is developed that can consume any source of energy such as solar heat, geothermal, biofuels, green hydrogen, green electricity, and waste heat. For instance, the technology can be replaced with traditional boilers to boost the heat and reduce CO₂ emissions by 2-5 times and simultaneously generate cooling energy for residential spaces or industrial applications. Furthermore, the technology can utilize the waste heat of bio-powerplants to produce cooling at cryogenic temperature. As an application, the technology can capture CO₂ through liquefaction. It is an economic method to mitigate CO₂ permanently in the atmosphere.

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  • Thomas Hou

    86 w

    So interesting. Would your technology replace today’s air conditioners or be added to them to make them more energy efficient?

    • Saeed Herasati

      86 w

      @thomas_hou Thanks for your interest. Yes the technology has the capacity to be replaced with available air conditioners for higher performance and more flexibility in energy sources.

    • Markus Lutteman

      87 w

      Wow, this sounds very interesting. Could it even be used to replace today’s energy-thirsty air conditioners?

      • Saeed Herasati

        87 w

        @markus_lutteman_141 Thanks for your positive feedback. In this technology, no harmful refrigerants are used, and have other advantages over available solutions. More information on our website

      • Victor Erik Ramos

        87 w

        The flexibility is really positive, with different solutions being used in different places we need heat pumps to adapt.

        • Saeed Herasati

          87 w

          @victor_erik_ramos Thanks for your positive feedback. The positive point about this heat pump is that it does not need electricity and can consume any renewable energy. For example, a pellet-burning stove can be converted into a heat pump by utilizing this technology. More information on our website

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